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PHP Python Decorator

Python style decorators for PHP


PHP 8.1 or higher


composer require sagittaracc/php-python-decorator


How long it takes to run a method. See the Timer decorator

use Sagittaracc\PhpPythonDecorator\Decorator;

class Calc
    use Decorator;

    function sum($a, $b)
        return $a + $b;

This is how you can call it

$calc = new Calc();
echo call_decorator_func_array([$calc, 'sum'], [1, 2]); // Total execution: 1.00034234 ms; Result: 3

Or inline

$timerOnSum = (new Timer)->wrapper(fn($a, $b) => $calc->sum($a, $b));
echo $timerOnSum(1, 2); // Total execution: 1.00034234 ms; Result: 3


use Sagittaracc\PhpPythonDecorator\Decorator;
use Sagittaracc\PhpPythonDecorator\modules\generics\aliases\T;
use Sagittaracc\PhpPythonDecorator\modules\validation\core\validators\ArrayOf;

class Box
    use Decorator;

    public $items;

    public function addItem(#[T] $item)
        $this->items[] = $item;

$box = new Box();
$box(Pen::class); // new Box<Pen>();
call_decorator_func_array([$box, 'addItem'], [new Pencil]); // throws a GenericError


use Sagittaracc\PhpPythonDecorator\Decorator;
use Sagittaracc\PhpPythonDecorator\tests\examples\Progress;
use Sagittaracc\PhpPythonDecorator\tests\validators\Length;
use Sagittaracc\PhpPythonDecorator\tests\validators\SerializeOf;
use Sagittaracc\PhpPythonDecorator\tests\validators\In;
use Sagittaracc\PhpPythonDecorator\tests\validators\LessThan;
use Sagittaracc\PhpPythonDecorator\tests\validators\UInt8;

class Progress
    use Decorator;

    public $max;

    public $pos;

    #[In('progress', 'finish', 'aborted')]
    public $status;

    public string $caption;

$progress = new Progress();

set_decorator_prop($progress, 'max', 255);  // max uint8 - 255
set_decorator_prop($progress, 'pos', 100);  // should be less than max
set_decorator_prop($progress, 'status', 'progress');  // status is one of possible cases (progress, finish or aborted)
set_decorator_prop($progress, 'caption', 'in progress ...');  // just a string (max length is 32)


class Controller
    use Decorator;

    function greetingPerson($name = 'guest')
        return "Hello, $name";

// index.php
(new Route('/hello/Yuriy'))->getMethod(Controller::class)->run();  // output: Hello, Yuriy


use Sagittaracc\PhpPythonDecorator\Decorator;
use Sagittaracc\PhpPythonDecorator\modules\console\core\Console;

class Controller
    use Decorator;

    function greetingPerson($name)
        return "Hello, $name";

in the command line it would be calling for example something like this:

php index.php -c hello --name Yuriy

then in index.php you should read the command and the parameters and after that call it like this:

(new Console('hello'))->setParameters(['name' => 'Yuriy'])->getMethod(Controller::class)->run();