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Following are the instructions for compiling and running the three source codes:
1. We have created a Makefile that will generate all the required binaries.
2. Under proj1 folder, we perform the following commands.
	make clean ; make

To Run Modified Dijkstra's algorithm:
	./modified_disjktra <input_file> src_node dest_node

For example:
	./modified_dijkstra 10node.txt 1 10

To Run Edge Disjoint shortest path algorithm:
	./edge_disjoint <input_file> src_node dest_node

For example:
	./edge_disjoint 10node.txt 1 10

To Run Vertex Disjoint shortest path algorithm:
        ./vertex_disjoint <input_file> src_node dest_node

For example:
        ./vertex_disjoint 10node.txt 1 10

Sample outputs: 

1. Modified Dijkstra's Algorithm:
sagar@ubuntu:~/Survivable_P1$ ./modified_dijkstra 75node.txt 23 61
Src: 23, Dest: 61 ->
23	19	24	1	17	48	58	64	65	36	13	56	62	61	
Its Cost is: 3169.80

2. Edge Disjoint Shortest Path Algorithm:
agar@ubuntu:~/Survivable_P1$ ./edge_disjoint 75node.txt 1 75
Src: 1, Dest: 75 ->
Path 1 is:	1	17	48	26	46	43	75
Its Cost is: 2176.70
Path 2 is:	1	18	67	15	59	44	9	7	6	75
Its Cost is: 2360.60

3. Vertex Disjoint Shrotest Path Algorithm:
sagar@ubuntu:~/Survivable_P1$ ./vertex_disjoint 75node.txt 7 67
Src: 7, Dest: 67 ->
Path 1 is:	7	9	44	59	15	67
Its Cost is: 1161.20
Path 2 is:	7	6	35	34	13	36	65	63	5	31	37	68	66	67
Its Cost is: 2651.50


Implementation of Diverse routing Algorithms






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