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Random Teachers are Good Teachers

This repo provides a pytorch-lightning implementation of self-distillation with no labels DINO, its instanciation within a configurable experiment bed, as well as tools to investigate the method in various settings. It is used to investiagate the role of teacher networks under a very simplified setting in the paper 'Random Teachers are Good Teachers'. By default everything is logged to WANDB.


Currently tested with python==3.8.5, torch==2.0.0+cu117:

pip install torch==2.0.0+cu117 torchvision==0.15.1+cu117 torchaudio==2.0.1 --index-url

Install with pip install -e .[all]. Use pip install -e . to only install the core dependencies, [tracking] for advanced tracking functionality and [notebook] to run notebooks with results.

Specify data and results path in environment DINO_DATA DINO_RESULTS variables, e.g. by adding to your .bashrc

export DINO_DATA=$HOME/dinopl/datasets/data
export DINO_RESULTS=$HOME/dinopl/results

or any other desired path.


To run random teacher distillation, please use

python --from_json configs/cifar10_distillation_v2.json

The default configuration of corresponds to the fully fledged method from Caron et al., and is overwritten by the .json file. The loaded configuration can be overwritten by specific command-line arguments, such as --n_epochs 150 or --enc vgg11. For a full specification, please refer to the --help command:

usage: [-h] [--from_json FROM_JSON] [--n_workers N_WORKERS] [--seed SEED] [--log_every LOG_EVERY] [--ckpt_path CKPT_PATH] [--force_cpu] [--float64 FLOAT64]
               [--dataset {MNIST,CIFAR10,CIFAR100,TinyImageNet}] [--n_classes N_CLASSES] [--n_samples N_SAMPLES] [--bs_train BS_TRAIN] [--batchaccum BATCHACCUM]
               [--samples_per_epoch SAMPLES_PER_EPOCH] [--bs_eval BS_EVAL] [--label_noise_ratio LABEL_NOISE_RATIO] [--logit_noise_temp LOGIT_NOISE_TEMP]
               [--resample_target_noise RESAMPLE_TARGET_NOISE] [--augs [AUGS [AUGS ...]]]
               [--mc {2x128+4x96,2x128,1x128,2x64+4x64,1x64,2x64,2x32+4x32,2x32,1x32,2x28+4x28,2x28,1x28}] [--per_crop_augs [PER_CROP_AUGS [PER_CROP_AUGS ...]]]
               [--enc {flatten,mlp_512_1,mlp_512_2,mlp_512_3,mlp_512_4,mlp_512_5,mlp_1024_1,mlp_1024_2,mlp_1024_3,mlp_1024_4,mlp_1024_5,convnet_16_1,convnet_16_2,convnet_16_3,convnet_16_4,convnet_16_5,convnet_32_1,convnet_32_2,convnet_32_3,convnet_32_4,convnet_32_5,vgg11,vgg11_bn,vgg13,vgg13_bn,vgg16,vgg16_bn,vgg19,vgg19_bn,resnet18,resnet34,resnet50,resnet20,resnet56,vit_tiny,vit_small,vit_medium,vit_base}]
               [--enc_norm_layer {BatchNorm,InstanceNorm,GroupNorm8,LayerNorm,Identity}] [--tiny_input] [--head_init_method {default,trunc_normal}]
               [--mlp_act {ReLU,GELU}] [--mlp_bn] [--hid_dims [HID_DIMS [HID_DIMS ...]]] [--l2bot_dim L2BOT_DIM] [--l2bot_cfg L2BOT_CFG] [--out_dim OUT_DIM]
               [--t_init {random,s_ckpt,t_ckpt}] [--t_init_seed T_INIT_SEED] [--s_init {s_ckpt,random,t_ckpt,neighborhood,interpolated,teacher}]
               [--s_init_seed S_INIT_SEED] [--s_init_alpha S_INIT_ALPHA] [--s_init_eps S_INIT_EPS] [--s_init_var_preserving S_INIT_VAR_PRESERVING]
               [--s_mode {supervised,distillation}] [--t_mode {ema,no_update,prev_epoch}] [--t_mom T_MOM] [--t_update_every T_UPDATE_EVERY]
               [--t_bn_mode {from_data,from_student}] [--t_eval T_EVAL] [--t_cmom T_CMOM] [--s_cmom S_CMOM] [--t_temp T_TEMP] [--s_temp S_TEMP]
               [--loss {MSE,H_pred,KL,CE}] [--loss_pairing {all,same,opposite}] [--n_epochs N_EPOCHS] [--n_steps N_STEPS] [--opt {adam,adamw,sgd}] [--opt_lr OPT_LR]
               [--opt_wd OPT_WD] [--opt_mom OPT_MOM] [--opt_beta1 OPT_BETA1] [--opt_beta2 OPT_BETA2] [--clip_grad CLIP_GRAD] [--wn_freeze_epochs WN_FREEZE_EPOCHS]
               [--probe_every PROBE_EVERY] [--probing_epochs PROBING_EPOCHS] [--probing_k PROBING_K] [--normalize_probe NORMALIZE_PROBE] [--prober_seed PROBER_SEED]
               [--track_feathist TRACK_FEATHIST] [--track_gradvar TRACK_GRADVAR] [--save_ckpt [{probe_student,loss_max} [{probe_student,loss_max} ...]]]
               [--save_features [{embeddings,projections,logits,all} [{embeddings,projections,logits,all} ...]]]
               [--save_paramstats [{student,teacher,logits,all} [{student,teacher,logits,all} ...]]]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --from_json FROM_JSON
                        Loading configuration according to priority:
                                1. from commandline arguments
                                2. from JSON configuration file
                                3. from parser default values.

  --n_workers N_WORKERS
                        Number of parallel threads for data loading.
  --seed SEED           Random number generator seed.
  --log_every LOG_EVERY
                        Log every so many steps.
  --ckpt_path CKPT_PATH
                        Path to checkpoint, used by '--t_init'.
  --force_cpu           Force training on CPU instead of GPU.
  --float64 FLOAT64     Wether to set default to float64.

  --dataset {MNIST,CIFAR10,CIFAR100,TinyImageNet}
                        Datset to train on.
  --n_classes N_CLASSES
                        Number of classes. By default determined from dataset but can be overwritten for logit noise.
  --n_samples N_SAMPLES
                        Number of samples used for training. Use a deterministic, stratified subset.
  --bs_train BS_TRAIN   Batch size for the training set.
  --batchaccum BATCHACCUM
                        How many batches to accumulate for one gradient update. If -1, full batch is used.
  --samples_per_epoch SAMPLES_PER_EPOCH
                        Number of samples used by the dataloader per epoch.
  --bs_eval BS_EVAL     Batch size for valid/test set.
  --label_noise_ratio LABEL_NOISE_RATIO
                        Add label noise (random assignemt) for supervised training.
  --logit_noise_temp LOGIT_NOISE_TEMP
                        Add logit noise (sharpened gaussian logits) for supervised training.
  --resample_target_noise RESAMPLE_TARGET_NOISE
                        Resample the the logits/labels at every access.
  --augs [AUGS [AUGS ...]]
                        Augmentation(s) to apply to Dataset. Supply multiple names as list or a string joined by '_'.
  --mc {2x128+4x96,2x128,1x128,2x64+4x64,1x64,2x64,2x32+4x32,2x32,1x32,2x28+4x28,2x28,1x28}
                        Specification of multicrop augmentation.
  --per_crop_augs [PER_CROP_AUGS [PER_CROP_AUGS ...]]
                        Augmentation(s) to apply to each crop individually. Supply multiple names as list or a string joined by '_'.

  --enc {flatten,mlp_512_1,mlp_512_2,mlp_512_3,mlp_512_4,mlp_512_5,mlp_1024_1,mlp_1024_2,mlp_1024_3,mlp_1024_4,mlp_1024_5,convnet_16_1,     convnet_16_2,convnet_16_3,convnet_16_4,convnet_16_5,convnet_32_1,convnet_32_2,convnet_32_3,convnet_32_4,convnet_32_5,vgg11,vgg11_bn,vgg13,vgg13_bn,vgg16,vgg16_bn,vgg19,vgg19_bn,resnet18,resnet34,resnet50,resnet20,resnet56,vit_tiny,vit_small,vit_medium,vit_base}
                        Defines the model to train on.
  --enc_norm_layer {BatchNorm,InstanceNorm,GroupNorm8,LayerNorm,Identity}
                        Overwrite the normalization layer of the model if supported.
  --tiny_input          Adjust encoder for tiny inputs, e.g. resnet for cifar 10.
  --head_init_method {default,trunc_normal}
                        Initialization method for linear layers in head, 'default' refers to the torch default, but DINO uses 'trunc_normal'.
  --mlp_act {ReLU,GELU}
                        Activation function of DINOHead MLP.
  --mlp_bn              Use batchnorm in DINOHead MLP.
  --hid_dims [HID_DIMS [HID_DIMS ...]]
                        Hidden dimensions of DINOHead MLP.
  --l2bot_dim L2BOT_DIM
                        L2-Bottleneck dimension of DINOHead MLP. If 0, bottleneck is replaced by linear.
  --l2bot_cfg L2BOT_CFG
                        L2-Bottleneck configuration string: '{wn,-}/{l,lb,-}/{fn,-}/{wn,-}/{l,lb,-}/{wn,-}'.
  --out_dim OUT_DIM     Output dimension of the DINOHead MLP.

  --t_init {random,s_ckpt,t_ckpt}
                        Initialization of teacher, specify '--ckpt_path'.
  --t_init_seed T_INIT_SEED
                        The seed for teacher initialization, use numbers with good balance of 0 and 1 bits. None will set a new seed randomly.
  --s_init {s_ckpt,random,t_ckpt,neighborhood,interpolated,teacher}
                        Initialization of student, specify '--ckpt_path'.
  --s_init_seed S_INIT_SEED
                        The seed for student initialization, use numbers with good balance of 0 and 1 bits. None will reuse teacher generator.
  --s_init_alpha S_INIT_ALPHA
                        Alpha for interpolated random initialization of student.
  --s_init_eps S_INIT_EPS
                        Epsilon for neighborhood random initialization of student.
  --s_init_var_preserving S_INIT_VAR_PRESERVING
                        Apply variance preserving correction for 'interpolated' and 'neighborhood' s_init
  --s_mode {supervised,distillation}
                        Mode of student update.
  --t_mode {ema,no_update,prev_epoch}
                        Mode of teacher update.
  --t_mom T_MOM         Teacher momentum for exponential moving average (float or Schedule).
  --t_update_every T_UPDATE_EVERY
                        Teacher update frequency for prev_epoch mode.
  --t_bn_mode {from_data,from_student}
                        Mode of teacher batchnorm updates: either from data stats or from student buffers.
  --t_eval T_EVAL       Run teacher in evaluation mode even on training data.
  --t_cmom T_CMOM       Teacher centering momentum of DINOHead (float or Schedule).
  --s_cmom S_CMOM       Student centering momentum of DINOHead (float or Schedule).
  --t_temp T_TEMP       Teacher temperature of DINOHead (float or Schedule).
  --s_temp S_TEMP       Student temperature of DINOHead (float or Schedule).
  --loss {MSE,H_pred,KL,CE}
                        Loss function to use in the multicrop loss.
  --loss_pairing {all,same,opposite}
                        Pairing strategy for the multicrop views in the loss function.

  --n_epochs N_EPOCHS   Number of epochs to train for.
  --n_steps N_STEPS     Number of steps to train for, stops at min(n_epochs, n_steps).
  --opt {adam,adamw,sgd}
                        Optimizer to use for training.
  --opt_lr OPT_LR       Learning rate for optimizer (float or Schedule): specified wrt batch size 256 and linearly scaled.
  --opt_wd OPT_WD       Weight decay for optimizer (float or Schedule).
  --opt_mom OPT_MOM     Momentum for SGD optimizer.
  --opt_beta1 OPT_BETA1
                        Beta1 for Adam(W) optimizer.
  --opt_beta2 OPT_BETA2
                        Beta2 for Adam(W) optimizer.
  --clip_grad CLIP_GRAD
                        Value to clip gradient norm to.
  --wn_freeze_epochs WN_FREEZE_EPOCHS
                        Epochs to freeze WeightNormalizedLinear layer in DINOHead.

  --probe_every PROBE_EVERY
                        Probe every so many epochs during training.
  --probing_epochs PROBING_EPOCHS
                        Number of epochs to train for linear probing.
  --probing_k PROBING_K
                        Amount of neighbors for k-nearest neighbor probing.
  --normalize_probe NORMALIZE_PROBE
                        Apply feature normalization (standardization) for probing.
  --prober_seed PROBER_SEED
                        The seed for reproducible probing, use numbers with good balance of 0 and 1 bits.
  --track_feathist TRACK_FEATHIST
                        Track gradient variances of model, encoder and head.
  --track_gradvar TRACK_GRADVAR
                        Track gradient variances of model, encoder and head.
  --save_ckpt [{probe_student,loss_max} [{probe_student,loss_max} ...]]
                        Save checkpoints for specific types of metrics.
  --save_features [{embeddings,projections,logits,all} [{embeddings,projections,logits,all} ...]]
                        Save features for embeddings, projections and/or logits.
  --save_paramstats [{student,teacher,logits,all} [{student,teacher,logits,all} ...]]
                        Save layerwise parameter and gradient statistics for teacher and/or student.


  title = {Random Teachers are Good Teachers},
  author = {Sarnthein, Felix and Bachmann, Gregor and Anagnostidis, Sotiris and Hofmann, Thomas},
  booktitle = {International Conference on Machine Learning},
  year = {2023},
  url = {},
  doi = {10.48550/ARXIV.2302.12091},

  title={Emerging Properties in Self-Supervised Vision Transformers},
  author={Caron, Mathilde and Touvron, Hugo and Misra, Ishan and J\'egou, Herv\'e  and Mairal, Julien and Bojanowski, Piotr and Joulin, Armand},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)},


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