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WebRados is a simple and high performance HTTP service for CEPH distributed file system. It's for providing simple HTTP interface for Ceph's bare RADOS layer. WebRados is not a replacement for RadosGW as is does not have all reach APIs and features of RadosGW(S3, Swift, etc ...), instead it stands for simplicity and performance.

WebRados relies on HTTP methods to interact with RADOS object, thus it can provide access to objects store in RADOS directly from internet browser . The ide is to have web accessible storage for millions of relatively small files, which can be accessed from browser directly.

WebRados relies on C bindings of Ceph, so in order to run this program you need to install Ceph packages. Running Ceph services on computer which hosts WebRados is not required, it's even better to have a dedicated server or pool of servers for running WebRados

Download and install

You can build WebRados from source or download precompiled binaries. If you already have installed Cephs packages and want to make things easy , just download te WebRados binary, make it executable, and you are ready to run .

Building from a source is also easy.

git clone
cd webrados
export GOROOT=/path/to/your/go
go mod tidy
go build .
./webrados -config config.yml 


Example configuration file, config.yml , with reasonable defaults is in root directory of the source tree.

  listen :
  dispatchers : 20
  adminapikey : eyJleHAiOjAsImhhc2giOiI4ZWZjMGM0N2NlZGM5OWU1Y2EwM2QxNjIyMGU4ZGRkZDY2MjQ3NjI4ZTkyZTUwNThjMzc1MTY5Nzc2ODkzOTc4In0Q05m2RZV2JRQiW1Ho1yKm2iqqD4SS2qFibUAJcHKJ8Q
  dangerzone : yes
  readonly : no
  authread : yes
  authwrite : yes
  radoconns : 25
  logfile : no
  logpath: /opt/webrados.log
  allpools: no
    - bublics
    - donuts
    - images
  usersfile: users.txt
  authtype: signurl #apikey , basic, jwt, none
  shards: 1024
  lifewindow: 10
  cleanwindow: 1
  maxrntriesinwindow: 600000
  maxentrysize: 5000
  maxcachemb: 1024
  enabled : yes
  user: admin
  pass: admin


Name Description

Configuration file is pretty simple and intuitive.

Section main

Name Description
listen IP port to bind.
dispatchers Number of threads for webserver.
serveruser Static user.
serverpass MD5 hash of password for static user.
dangerzone Enable HTTP DELETE method.
readonly Enable readonly mode. If 'yes' only GET is allowed.
authread Require authentication for GET only.
authwrite Require authentication for POST/PUT/DELETE.
radoconns Number of connection to CEPH.
logfile Log to file, if 'no' logs are sent to stdout.
logpath Path for log file.
allpools: yes/no . If yes program will scan ceph and enable access via web to all pool.
poollist: Works only if allpools is set to no.
usersfile Path for file containing list of users with username passwordhash format separated by new line.
authtype Authentication methods. signurl, apikey (X-API-KEY Header) , basic (HTTP Basic Auth), jwt (, none

Section cache

Name Description
shards Number of shards (must be a power of 2)
lifewindow Time after which entry can be evicted
cleanwindow Interval between removing expired entries (clean up). If set to <= 0 then no action is performed.
maxrntriesinwindow rps * lifeWindow, used only in initial memory allocation
maxentrysize max entry size in bytes, used only in initial memory allocation
maxcachemb Cache will not allocate more memory than this limit, value in MB. 0 value means no size limit

Section monitoring

Name Description
enabled Enable/Disable monitoring.
url IP address and port for minitoring interface.
user Monitoring user.
pass Password for monitoring user.

Authentication and users.txt file

Webrados can dynamically update users and API keys from users.txt file . If you are using Basic Auth, users.txt should contain user and md5hash of password divided by space in each line.

On Linux systems echo -n SecretPaSs | md5sum |awk '{print $1}' will output md5hash for using it as password in users.txt file

If you are using API keys users.txt should contain these keys separated by new line.

Webrados will periodically read uesrs.txt file and automatically update users in memory.

If you are using JWT Authentication, you should set the value of your JWT Secret as JWTSECRET OS enviroment.

export JWTSECRET='Super$ecter123765@'

You can pass JWT token as header Authorization .

curl --header "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"

Or as URL parameter.


Large files

In order to be able to store large file in RADOS directly files needs to be split to smaller chunks. WebRados will automatically set maximum chunk size to OSDMaxObjectSize of Ceph and split files in accordance to that.

Special commands

HTTP GET http://{BINDADDRESS}/{POOLNAME}/{FILENAME}?info Returns information about requested file in json format.

curl -s  http://ceph1:8080/bublics/katana.mp4?info
  "name": "katana.mp4",
  "pool": "bublics",
  "size": 471861144,
  "parts": 11

HTTP DELETE http://{BINDADDRESS}/{POOLNAME}/{FILENAME}?cache Removes entry of given file from metadata cache

curl -XDELETE http://ceph1:8080/bublics/katana.mp4?cache

Admin Endpoint

http://{BINDADDRESS}/.admin is special endpoint for performing administration tasks. This endpoint is always secured with special API-KEY solely for admin tasks. config.yml[main][adminapikey]. Key in existing config is just an example, please change it.

Admin commands are working on http POST, PUT, GET methods. Here are examples.

curl -H "X-API-KEY: $APIKEY" 'http://ceph1:8080/.admin?purgecachestats'

Purge Statistics for local cache

curl -H "X-API-KEY: $APIKEY" 'http://ceph1:8080/.admin?purgecache'

Empty local cache

curl -H "X-API-KEY: $APIKEY" -d '{"url": "http://ceph1:8080","exp": 1685365532}'  'http://ceph1:8080/.admin?genjwt'

Generate JWT token with TTL till exp

curl -s -XPOST -H "X-API-KEY: $APIKEY" --data-binary @/tmp/data.json 'http://ceph1:8080/.admin?sign'

Sends URLs for signing. Returns json with url and signed url pairs. URL signing will use JWTSECRET environment variable as a secret.
data.json should be a json file with url(string) as key with value of TTL(int). TTL is seconds after now. Example request json:

  "http://ceph1:8080/bublics/1.jpeg": 180,
  "http://ceph1:8080/bublics/2.jpeg": 120,
  "http://ceph1:8080/bublics/3.jpeg": 90,
  "http://ceph1:8080/bublics/4.jpeg": 150

Example response :

  "http://ceph1:8080/bublics/1.jpeg": "http://ceph1:8080/bublics/1.jpeg?expiry=1685441910&signature=G0L9EgRRYavGX8TRqLsH-ifIRm3__mFkR95wR3r4TyQ",
  "http://ceph1:8080/bublics/2.jpeg": "http://ceph1:8080/bublics/2.jpeg?expiry=1685441850&signature=psSGxImNZdzuSixB8dbaUhlFO81Mj02q6zLUrB_Rajs",
  "http://ceph1:8080/bublics/3.jpeg": "http://ceph1:8080/bublics/3.jpeg?expiry=1685441820&signature=Fr9OI0d_UMnAGZIPdt_tTl6QywH5Z0R_dnyfEgyxH3M",
  "http://ceph1:8080/bublics/4.jpeg": "http://ceph1:8080/bublics/4.jpeg?expiry=1685441880&signature=3vG0YGxSRlxXo7xWyi5l7Otw8Y5WZteq7mfUUq26lKE"