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Ryandw11 edited this page Aug 19, 2020 · 1 revision

The set method is a very powerful method that can be used.
Set can accomplish the following goals:

  • Appending a tag (Anywhere, not just the root).
  • Replacing a tag.
  • Deleting a tag.

Appending a Tag

Appending to Root

To append a tag to the root of a file you can set the key to an empty string ("").

ods.set("", new StringTag("ExampleTag", "This is an example tag!"));

Appending to an ObjectTag

To append a tag to another tag just specifiy the desired key.
Note: The MyString in the first parameter is ignored. Instead the name of the tag that is being appended will be used.

ods.set("ObjectOne.ObjectTwo.MyString", new StringTag("MyString", "Adding a string tag!"));

If ObjectTwo in the key above (ObjectOne.ObjectTwo.MyString) does not exist, then ods will automatically create an ObjectTag named ObjectTwo and append it to ObjectOne.

Replacing a Tag

Coming Soon

Deleting a Tag

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