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Structure Properties Section

Ryandw11 edited this page Mar 19, 2023 · 3 revisions

The structure properties section is a collection of miscellaneous true or false properties.

  PlaceAir: true
  RandomRotation: false
  IgnorePlants: true
  SpawnInWater: true
  SpawnInLavaLakes: true
  SpawnInVoid: false
  IgnoreWater: false

Place Air

The PlaceAir property determines whether or not the air in the schematic will be placed in the structure spawns. If your structure spawns on the surface, or underwater, then it is common to set this property to false.

PlaceAir: true

Note: This property does not apply to sub-schematics.
Did you know? If you only want air in specific sections of your structure you can use the ReplaceBlocks or SourceMask properties depending on what you desire.

Quick Reference:
Required: False
Value: Boolean
Default Value: False

Random Rotation

The RandomRotation property determines if the schematic will have a random rotation when it spawns. The plugin will only rotate the structure in increments of 90 degrees to prevent distorting any structures.

RandomRotation: true

Note: This property does not apply to sub-schematics.

Quick Reference:
Required: False
Value: Boolean
Default Value: False

Ignore Plants

When the IgnorePlants property is set to true, the structure will not consider plant blocks to be the surface. So if your structure spawns in a forest, it will spawn on the grass or dirt ground instead of on the trees.

IgnorePlants: true

Quick Reference:
Required: False
Value: Boolean
Default Value: False

Spawn In Water

Determines whether or not the structure's origin point can be water.
Note: This is likely to change in a future update so that it detects if the entire structure is in water, not just the origin point.

SpawnInWater: true

Quick Reference:
Required: False
Value: Boolean
Default Value: False

Spawn In Lava Lakes

Determines whether or not the structure's origin point can be lava.
Note: This is likely to change in a future update so that it detects if the entire structure is in lava, not just the origin point.

SpawnInLavaLakes: true

Quick Reference:
Required: False
Value: Boolean
Default Value: False

Spawn In Void

The SpawnInVoid property determines whether or not a structure can spawn in the void. This option is required if you want your structure to spawn in the end without any land.

SpawnInVoid: false

Setting this property to true adds some additional limits to the SpawnY property. The SpawnY property can only have an absolute integer value. This means that you cannot set the SpawnY property to top or a relative position like +[5] or -[5]. Instead you must use absolute integer values like 35 or [40;50].

Quick Reference:
Required: False
Value: Boolean
Default Value: False

Ignore Water

The IgnoreWater property determines whether or not the BottomFill property will ignore water when it performs a block fill. So if this property is set to true, the water will be replaced with the block of your choice.

IgnoreWater: true

Quick Reference:
Required: False
Value: Boolean
Default Value: False