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Auto-ticket flaky tests in your rspec test suite


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Flaky tests reporter that wraps your rspec call designed for the CI systems. See this repo for a fully-working example.


Create an opinionated statically typed wrapper on top of rspec instead of creating ad-hoc spaghetti of shell scripts every time at every company that is dealing with a similar problem.


In working state, battle tested on few projects - gets the job done. Supports Github Issues and JIRA (with strong assumptions about how flakies are reported).

How to use it?

  1. Drop binary from the releases section into your system's PATH
  2. Ensure you have configured Rspec's example_status_persistence_file_path
  3. Create .rspec-sanity.toml configuration file (more details below)
  4. From the root project directory execute rspec-sanity run [test files] - in the exact same manner same as you would run rspec [test files]

Your [test files] will be executed up to two times - if something that failed passed on the 2nd attempt it means it's flaky and will be reported as a JIRA ticket/Github issue according to your configuration.

Alternative installation method (Debian/Ubuntu)

If you prefer installing binary via apt you can use grab deb from gemfury. Deb packages are generated as part of the release process so they will be always up to date with the Github releases.

curl -fsSL | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/rspec-sanity.gpg > /dev/null
echo "deb [signed-by=/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/rspec-sanity.gpg] * *" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/rspec-sanity.list
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install rspec-sanity

Configuration syntax

By default the app will try to look up .rspec-sanity.toml - which can be configured with --config switch.

# defined how to load rspec command
command = "bundle exec rspec"

# arguments that will be passed to your command on the first attempt
arguments = "--format progress --format RspecJunitFormatter -o tmp/rspec/rspec.xml --force-color"

# arguments used for the 2nd attempt (re-run)
rerun_arguments = "--format documentation --force-color"

# file path defined for example_status_persistence_file_path in Rspec
persistence_file = "spec/examples.txt"

# Right now you can use github or jira reporters
# only one will be picked up
owner = "rwojsznis"
repo = "rspec-sanity"
# optional labels
labels = ['flaky-spec']

# reopen GH issue if it was closed when adding new report?
reopen = true

# Under .Env you will find all available env variables on the system
# Here I'm using some handy stuff defined by CircleCI
template = '''
Failed build: {{ .Env.CIRCLE_BUILD_URL }}
Node: {{ .Env.CIRCLE_NODE_INDEX }}
Branch: {{ .Env.CIRCLE_BRANCH }}

| Example |
| --- |
{{- range .Examples}}
| {{ .Id }} |
{{- end}}

# There is a strong assumption that every JIRA ticket will be
# reported to an epic issue
epic_id = "PROD-1"
# issue type, can vary from project to project
# can be found in JIRA project settings
task_type_id = "10001"
# ID of the JIRA project
project_id = "PROD"
# optional labels
labels = ['flaky-spec']
template = '''
Failed build: {{ .Env.CIRCLE_BUILD_URL }}
Node: {{ .Env.CIRCLE_NODE_INDEX }}
Branch: {{ .Env.CIRCLE_BRANCH }}

| Example |
{{- range .Examples}}
| {{ .Id }} |
{{- end}}

Additional configuration per reporter


To authorize with Github you need to set RSPEC_SANITY_GITHUB_TOKEN ENV variable - it can be a personal token or newly introduced fine-grained token - just make you have access to write issues.


To authorize with JIRA you need to set following ENV variables:

  • RSPEC_SANITY_JIRA_TOKEN - JIRA personal access token - I recommend creating a dedicated JIRA user for this purposes
  • RSPEC_SANITY_JIRA_USER - email address of the token owner
  • RSPEC_SANITY_JIRA_HOST - full JIRA instance address, with a protocol (https://)

Creating a test issue

To check your configuration you run rspec-sanity verify.

Todos / nice to haves

  • proper interfaces for better tests
  • Github-related tests with go-github-mock
  • uploading artifacts associated with flaky tests (eg. screenshots captured with capybara-screenshot)
  • auto-generating bisect command for flaky test replication attempt (we would have to grab used rspec seed)