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istio-grpc-minikube (Golang)

This is a simple implementation of GRPC with Istio. In this example I have used minikube as local cluster , docker to containerized the application and Istio service mesh as Gateway and Load-balancer.

for this example I have used following versions:

minikube version: v1.19.0 ,

docker desktop version 3.3.2 engine version v20.10.5 ,

istio version 1.9.4

you need to have go-compiler pre-installed on your machine to run this example.

Setup :

I have used minikube on windows using wsl2 and docker-desktop if you have windows 10 then follow the following steps:

step 1: Install and enable settings for wsl-2 :

step 2: Install the docker desktop for windows and open the docker dashboard , go to the settings and enable checkbox showing wls2 and enable the ubuntu on docker.

step 3: Install the latest version of Ubuntu from MS-store and setup your ubuntu on windows.

step 4: Download or fork the code , go to the file location of the code and on that location open wsl through vscode or cmd (to open wsl , you just have to type wsl on vscode terminal or cmd).

step 5:

  1. Now run the following command to download and install minikube on same wsl terminal ==>

"curl -LO" "sudo install minikube-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/minikube"

  1. Now run the command "minikube config set driver docker" to set driver as docker( In this example I had used docker, you can choose any of driver of your choice).

  2. Now run the command "minikube start --memory=4096 --cpus=4" to start kubernetes cluster.

step 6: Now download the latest version of istio. Later, folder will be created on same file-directory, go in that folder and install the istio with demo profile then add a namespace label to instruct Istio to automatically inject Envoy sidecar proxies.

you can follow first 5 steps from following link to setup your istio :

step 6 : Now copy the folder name istio-yaml from my source code and paste inside istio-1.9.4 folder (I am using 1.9.4 version but in future your version might be different ).

step 7: Now execute following command to create deployments,services,pods,gateways (to execute following command you must be inside istio folder with wsl terminal). "kubectl apply -f istio-yaml/grpc.yaml"

commands to check the status of pod: "kubectl get pods"

step 8: Now run the command "minikube tunnel" in the different terminal and keep the process running on that wsl terminal.

step 9 : Now you have succesfully setup the istio. Open new terminal in client and run the command "go run client.go".

After executing all above commands successfully, we have finally setup the istio on local machine and executed gRPC example on it.


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