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rudylattae edited this page Nov 10, 2010 · 14 revisions

Why Jasmine Species?

1. I enjoy working with Jasmine to spec out my projects. However, I need the ability to capture additional concepts beyond what the default "describe" and "it" grammar allow. As an example, I find it simpler to specify Features by employing the alternate "Feature/Story" grammar:

  • Feature
    • Scenario
      • "given, when, then"

2. So far I have not been happy with the html output of spec results.

  • The expended output seems too boxy with many hard border blocks.
  • Also the colors seem to "scream" at me.

Considering I have to stare are the spec results constantly during my development cycles, I need something a little less overpowering. The output needs to point out any failing spec yet be easy to read.

3. While experimenting with the alternate-grammar, I have realized that there is some additional rich meta-data that could be attached to specs. However, these cannot be easily surfaced in the default reporter without modifying it's current working model. So it is better to isolate these augmentations into a separate package that Jasmine users are free to use or avoid.


Alternate grammar:

  • Feature/Story
  • Given, When, Then (GWT)
  • Context/Specification

Html Reporting:

  1. outputs results with a less boxy look
  2. outputs results with sensible styles that make use of the meta data in extended specs/suites
  3. is just as easy to restyle as the default reporter

Known issues/limitations

  1. Failing specs in IE
  2. No console reporting available yet.
  3. Not exhaustively tested on multiple browsers/platforms
  4. Html report does not render well enough on IE
