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RubyConf AU


If this is this first time you are running the app, you need Ruby, Node, and Yarn installed.

It is recommended that you use asdf to install the versions that are specified in .tool-versions.

Then you can run the following commands:

gem install bundler
bundle install
yarn install
NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider yarn build

Then start the app with:

foreman start


Assets are managed via Webpack, with each year in a separate directory within /assets. To compile:

NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider yarn run webpack

At this point in time there's no distinction between development and production asset generation, and there's no live-rebuilding of assets. Both of these would be nice though.


The site is automatically deployed when master is pushed to Github.

Create New Year Event

Copy previous year folders e.g. :


Modify app.rb to include the new year information

Modify webpack.config.js to include the new year information