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Compile Pal V028.1

Compile Pal V028.1 #23

Workflow file for this run

# This workflow updates the version text, then builds and attaches a build to the release that triggered it
name: 'Build Release'
# Controls when the action will run.
types: [ released, prereleased ]
runs-on: windows-2019
# Checks-out your repository under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE, so your job can access it
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
# Setup environment variables
- name: Set Env Variables
run: |
if ( "${{ github.event.action }}" -eq "released" ) {
} else {
$VERSION=$('${{ github.event.release.tag_name }}' -replace "[^0-9|.]")
echo "Configuration: $CONFIGURATION"
echo "Version: $VERSION"
echo "Version File: $VERSION_FILE"
echo "CONFIGURATION=${CONFIGURATION}" | Out-File -FilePath $env:GITHUB_ENV -Encoding utf8 -Append
echo "VERSION=${VERSION}" | Out-File -FilePath $env:GITHUB_ENV -Encoding utf8 -Append
echo "VERSION_FILE=${VERSION_FILE}" | Out-File -FilePath $env:GITHUB_ENV -Encoding utf8 -Append
# Updates either version.txt or version_prerelease.txt depending on which event triggered workflow (release or prerelease)
- name: Update version.txt version
run: echo '${{ env.VERSION }}' > CompilePalX/${{ env.VERSION_FILE }}
# Setup Build Environment
- name: Setup .NET Core SDK 6.0.x
uses: actions/setup-dotnet@v2
dotnet-version: '6.0.x'
- name: Install dependencies
run: dotnet restore
- name: Build Compile Pal
run: dotnet publish /p:PublishProfile=Publish${{ env.CONFIGURATION }}
# Package Compile Pal into zip file
- name: Package Compile Pal
run: |
Rename-Item -Path "./CompilePalX/bin/${{ env.CONFIGURATION }}/Deploy" -NewName "Compile Pal ${{ env.VERSION }}"
$compress = @{
Path = "./CompilePalX/bin/${{ env.CONFIGURATION }}/Compile Pal ${{ env.VERSION }}"
CompressionLevel = "Optimal"
DestinationPath = "./Compile Pal ${{ env.VERSION }}.zip"
Compress-Archive @compress
# Uploads Compile Pal build artifact to the release
- name: Upload Release Asset
uses: actions/upload-release-asset@v1.0.2
# The URL for uploading assets to the release
upload_url: ${{ github.event.release.upload_url }}
# The path to the asset you want to upload
asset_path: ./Compile Pal ${{ env.VERSION }}.zip
# The name of the asset you want to upload
asset_name: Compile Pal ${{ env.VERSION }}.zip
# The content-type of the asset you want to upload. See the supported Media Types here: for more information
asset_content_type: application/zip
# Updates version.txt on Github
- name: Update version.txt on GitHub
uses: test-room-7/action-update-file@v1.4.0
file-path: CompilePalX/${{ env.VERSION_FILE }}
commit-msg: Update version
github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}