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Docker containers for ROS 2 development with RTI Connext DDS

This repository contains helper resources to generate Docker images for developing and running ROS 2 application with RTI Connext DDS inside Docker containers.

Local Workspace Quickstart

The following workflow uses the included helper scripts to create a Docker container which mounts a local directory from the host, allowing you to easily build your project inside a preconfigured environment with ROS 2 and RTI Connext DDS.

The process relies on creating a Docker image which contains the required software components (ROS 2, RTI Connext DDS, and rmw_connextdds), and a non-root user which is mapped to the current user on the host.

  1. Install Docker and enable non-root access for your user.

  2. Clone this repository:

    git clone
  3. Build image rmw_connextdds:latest, a base Docker image with ROS 2, RTI Connext DDS, and rmw_connextdds. You can use script for this purpose.

    If you prefer, you can control the name of the generated image using variable DOCKER_IMAGE.

    By default, the image will use ROS 2 Galactic, provided by image osrf/ros:galactic-desktop. If you prefer a different ROS 2 version, select an image from those available on Docker Hub and specify it using variable BASE_IMAGE.

    You can choose between 4 different ways to generate this image, based on how RTI Connext DDS and rmw_connextdds are provisioned inside it:

    • Use an RTI Connext DDS installation from the host, and build rmw_connextdds from source (default):

      CONNEXTDDS_DIR=/path/to/rti_connext_dds-6.1.0 \
      • Specify the Connext installation with variables CONNEXTDDS_DIR, or NDDSHOME.

      • You can optionally use CONNEXTDDS_ARCH to specify the target architecture to use.

    • Install RTI Connext DDS using the official installers, and build rmw_connextdds from source:

      • The following files are required:

        • A host installer, e.g. (CONNEXTDDS_INSTALLER_HOST).
        • A target installer, e.g. rti_connext_dds-6.1.0-pro-target-x64Linux4gcc7.3.0.rtipkg (CONNEXTDDS_INSTALLER_TARGET).
        • A license file, e.g. rti_license.dat (CONNEXTDDS_INSTALLER_LICENSE).
      • Variable CONNEXTDDS_VERSION is required to let the Dockerfile detect the generated RTI Connext DDS installation directory.

    • Install RTI Connext DDS using a Debian package and build rmw_connextdds from source (x86_64 only):

      • The community-licensed version of Connext included in the binary package distributed via the ROS 2 Debian repository can only be used for non-commercial and pre-production applications.
    • Install RTI Connext DDS and rmw_connextdds using Debian packages (x86_64 only):

      • This installation method requires the base image to include a version of ROS 2 installed from Debian packages (e.g. "osrf/ros:galactic-desktop").

      • rmw_connextdds is available as a Debian package only for ROS 2 Galactic and newer.

      • The community-licensed version of Connext included in the binary package distributed via the ROS 2 Debian repository can only be used for non-commercial and pre-production applications.

  4. Build image ros2_workspace:latest.

    This image builds on top of the rmw_connextdds image by adding a non-root user to match your user, allowing you to mount and edit a directory from the host. You can generate this image using script

    If you used a custom name for the base image, specify it using variable BASE_IMAGE (default: rmw_connextdds:latest).

    You can control the name of the generated image using variable DOCKER_IMAGE (default: ros2_workspace:latest).

  5. Start a Docker container with the generated image. You can use the script to do so, which will automatically start the container or attach to it with a new terminal if it is already running.

    Use variable WORKSPACE_DIR to specify a directory to mount inside the container (under path /workspace, default: current directory).

    You can control the name of the container and the image to use with variables DOCKER_CONTAINER (default: ros2_workspace-dev) and DOCKER_IMAGE (default: ros2_workspace:latest) respectively.


Example Workspace

The repository includes a test ROS 2 package which you may use as a workspace directory to test the Docker images.

After building the ros2_workspace image, use the script to build and run the example_workspace directory inside a container:

cd rticonnextdds-ros2-docker/example_workspace
# Inside the container, build the included ROS 2 package
colcon build --symlink-install
source install/setup.bash
# Use the example launch file to start two nodes with a custom
# QoS configuration file.
ros2 launch example_workspace

Docker Compose Example

The repository includes a docker-compose example which shows how to use the rmw_connextdds images to run some example ROS 2 applications with RTI Connext DDS.

After building the rmw_connextdds image, use the following command to run the talker/listener example from package demo_nodes_cpp in two different containers while forcing all communications to occur via the shared memory transport:

cd rticonnextdds-ros2-docker/example_workspace
docker-compose -f ../docker_compose/docker-compose-talker_listener.yml up

Use CTRL+C to terminate the containers.

ARM Setup

Docker images to use ROS on ARM targets must be built manually using repository osrf/docker_images.

In order to provision Connext, you must first install it on an x86_64 Linux host, and then copy the installation to the ARM device where you will build the Docker images. If you only plan on using Connext to support rmw_connextdds, you may restrict this copy to only a subset of the installation.

It is also recommended to replace script resource/cmake/FindRTIConnextDDS.cmake in the Connext installation with the most recent version made available by RTI.

ARM Setup Example

  1. On a x86_64 Linux host, install the Connext "host" bundle, then use rtipkginstall to install a "target" bundle for the desired ARM target, e.g.:

    ~/rti_connext_dds-6.1.1/bin/rtipkginstall rti_connext_dds-6.1.1-lm-target-armv8Linux4gcc7.3.0.rtipkg
  2. Update resource/cmake/FindRTIConnextDDS.cmake:

    wget -o ~/rti_connext_dds-6.1.1/resource/cmake/FindRTIConnextDDS.cmake \
  3. Generate an archive with the files required to support rmw_connextdds, e.g.:

    tar czf rti_connext_dds-6.1.1-rmw-runtime.tar.gz \
        rti_connext_dds-6.1.1/include \
        rti_connext_dds-6.1.1/lib/armv8Linux4gcc7.3.0 \
        rti_connext_dds-6.1.1/resource/cmake \
        rti_connext_dds-6.1.1/resource/scripts \

    You can also generate the archive using script

    git clone
    rticonnextdds-ros2-docker/scripts/ \
      ~/rti_connext_dds-6.1.1 \
  4. Copy and extract archive on ARM target, e.g. (replace arm-target with the host name/IP address of your device):

    scp rti_connext_dds-6.1.1-rmw-runtime.tar.gz arm-target:~/
    ssh arm-target tar xzf rti_connext_dds-6.1.1-rmw-runtime.tar.gz

    or, without first copying the archive:

    cat rti_connext_dds-6.1.1-rmw-runtime.tar.gz | ssh arm-target tar xzf -

    or, without even creating an intermediate archive:

    tar cz \
        rti_connext_dds-6.1.1/include \
        rti_connext_dds-6.1.1/lib/armv8Linux4gcc7.3.0 \
        rti_connext_dds-6.1.1/resource/cmake \
        rti_connext_dds-6.1.1/resource/scripts \
        rti_connext_dds-6.1.1/rti_versions.xml | ssh arm-target tar xzf -
  5. On the ARM target, clone osrf/docker_images and build the base ROS image, e.g.:

    git clone
    docker build -t ros:humble-desktop docker_images/ros/humble/ubuntu/jammy/desktop
  6. Clone this repository and build the rmw_connextdds image:

    git clone
    CONNEXTDDS_DIR=~/rti_connext_dds-6.1.1 \
    BASE_IMAGE=ros:humble-desktop \
    DOCKER_IMAGE=rmw_connextdds:humble-desktop-6.1.1 \
  7. (Optional) Build the ros2_workspace image:

    BASE_IMAGE=rmw_connextdds:humble-desktop-6.1.1 \
    DOCKER_IMAGE=ros2_workspace:humble-desktop-6.1.1 \
  8. (Optional) Use the ros2_workspace image:

    DOCKER_IMAGE=ros2_workspace:humble-desktop-6.1.1 \

Docker Images

All of the rmw_connextdds images should be built on top of one of the ROS 2 images provided by OpenRobotics.

The Dockerfile.rmw_connextdds.* files all follow a similar workflow:

  • Install RTI Connext DDS, then clone and build rmw_connextdds, or...
  • Install both RTI Connext DDS and rmw_connextdds from a Debian binary packages.
  • Set rmw_connextdds as the default RMW_IMPLEMENTATION
  • Add a bashrc file to automatically load ROS 2 with RTI Connext DDS.

The ros2_workspace image uses the rmw_connextdds images to generate a development environment suitable for mounting and editing a local directory from the host machine.


This Dockerfile will generate a Docker image which includes a copy of RTI Connext DDS installed using the community-licensed package distributed via the ROS 2 Debian repository.

rmw_connextdds will also be installed using the binary Debian package provided in the ROS 2 Debian repository.

Build Arguments for Dockerfile.rmw_connextdds.bin

Variable Description Default Value
BASE_IMAGE Base Docker image. osrf/ros:galactic-desktop

Manual build of Dockerfile.rmw_connextdds.bin

docker build rticonnextdds-ros2-docker/docker \
             -t rmw_connextdds:latest \
             -f rticonnextdds-ros2-docker/docker/Dockerfile.rmw_connextdds.bin


This Dockerfile will generate a Docker image which includes a copy of RTI Connext DDS installed using the community-licensed package distributed via the ROS 2 Debian repository.

rmw_connextdds will be built from source.

Build Arguments for Dockerfile.rmw_connextdds.deb

Variable Description Default Value
BASE_IMAGE Base Docker image. osrf/ros:galactic-desktop
RMW_CONNEXTDDS_BRANCH Branch to build in rmw_connextdds's Git repository Automatically detected based on ROS_DISTRO
RMW_CONNEXTDDS_DIR Container directory where to clone rmw_connextdds. /opt/rmw_connextdds
RMW_CONNEXTDDS_URL Clone URL of rmw_connextdds's Git repository

Manual build of Dockerfile.rmw_connextdds.deb

docker build rticonnextdds-ros2-docker/docker \
             -t rmw_connextdds:latest \
             -f rticonnextdds-ros2-docker/docker/Dockerfile.rmw_connextdds.deb

This Dockerfile will generate a Docker image which contains a copy of RTI Connext DDS pre-installed on the host machine.

The Dockerfile will copy this installation specified by argument CONNEXTDDS_HOST_DIR "as is".

This directory must be located under archives/ in the build context, and it must contain a valid license file and target libraries.

If multiple target libraries are installed, the desired target architecture should be specified using argument CONNEXTDDS_ARCH.

rmw_connextdds will be built from source.

Build Arguments for

Variable Description Default Value
BASE_IMAGE Base Docker image. osrf/ros:galactic-desktop
CONNEXTDDS_ARCH Target architecture to use.
CONNEXTDDS_HOST_DIR Name of the subdirectory of archives/, containing the installation of RTI Connext DDS to use inside the container
RMW_CONNEXTDDS_BRANCH Branch to build in rmw_connextdds's Git repository Automatically detected based on ROS_DISTRO
RMW_CONNEXTDDS_DIR Container directory where to clone rmw_connextdds. /opt/rmw_connextdds
RMW_CONNEXTDDS_URL Clone URL of rmw_connextdds's Git repository

Manual build of

This example assumes that the full path of the RTI Connext DDS host installation is exported by variable CONNEXTDDS_DIR in the current shell environment.

# Create archives/ directory and copy Connext installation
mkdir rticonnextdds-ros2-docker/docker/archives
cp -r ${CONNEXTDDS_DIR} rticonnextdds-ros2-docker/docker/archives

docker build rticonnextdds-ros2-docker/docker \
             -t rmw_connextdds:latest \
             -f rticonnextdds-ros2-docker/docker/ \
             --build-arg CONNEXTDDS_HOST_DIR=$(basename ${CONNEXTDDS_DIR})


This Dockerfile will generate a Docker image which contains a copy of RTI Connext DDS installed from the official installers provided by RTI.

The Dockerfile expects to find the required installers in subdirectory archives/ of the docker build context.

Beside the target and host installers, you will also need to provide a valid license file.

You can specify the name of the files (without paths) using arguments CONNEXTDDS_INSTALLER_HOST, CONNEXTDDS_INSTALLER_TARGET, and CONNEXTDDS_INSTALLER_LICENSE.

You must also make sure to specify argument CONNEXTDDS_VERSION with a 3-digit version identifier for the selected version of RTI Connext DDS.

Build Arguments for Dockerfile.rmw_connextdds.rtipkg

Variable Description Default Value
BASE_IMAGE Base Docker image. osrf/ros:galactic-desktop
CONNEXTDDS_INSTALLER_HOST File name (without path) of the host bundle
CONNEXTDDS_INSTALLER_LICENSE File name (without path) of the license file. rti_license.dat
CONNEXTDDS_INSTALLER_TARGET File name (without path) of the target bundle rti_connext_dds-6.1.0-pro-target-x64Linux4gcc7.3.0.rtipkg
CONNEXTDDS_VERSION Version identifier for Connext DDS. 6.1.0
CONNEXTDDS_ARCH Target architecture to use.
RMW_CONNEXTDDS_BRANCH Branch to build in rmw_connextdds's Git repository Automatically detected based on ROS_DISTRO
RMW_CONNEXTDDS_DIR Container directory where to clone rmw_connextdds. /opt/rmw_connextdds
RMW_CONNEXTDDS_URL Clone URL of rmw_connextdds's Git repository

Manual build of Dockerfile.rmw_connextdds.rtipkg

# Create archives/ directory and copy the Connext installer and license files
mkdir rticonnextdds-ros2-docker/docker/archives
cp /path/to/<HOST_INSTALLER> \
   /path/to/<TARGET_INSTALLER> \
   /path/to/<LICENSE_FILE> \

docker build rticonnextdds-ros2-docker/docker \
             -t rmw_connextdds:latest \
             -f rticonnextdds-ros2-docker/docker/Dockerfile.rmw_connextdds.rtipkg \


This Dockerfile will generate a Docker image that can be used for local development of a ROS 2 application on the host machine.

The image requires one of the rmw_connextdds images to have been previously built, and it will:

  • Add a non-root user to match the user which owns the workspace directory on the host.
  • Configure a custom entrypoint script which will automatically configure the development environment, and possibly start a custom command passed to docker run (see

Build Arguments for Dockerfile.ros2_workspace

Variable Description Default Value
BASE_IMAGE Base Docker image. rmw_connextdds:latest
DOCKER_GID Id of the main group for the container's non-root user 1000
DOCKER_UID Id of the container's non-root user 1000
DOCKER_USER Name of the non-root user created inside the container to map the host's user admin

Manual build of Dockerfile.ros2_workspace

docker build rticonnextdds-ros2-docker/docker \
             -t ros2_workspace:latest \
             -f rticonnextdds-ros2-docker/docker/Dockerfile.ros2_workspace \
             --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=rmw_connextdds:latest \
             --build-arg DOCKER_USER=$(whoami) \
             --build-arg DOCKER_UID=$(id -u) \
             --build-arg DOCKER_GID=$(id -g) \