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Releases: ropensci/EML

EML 2.0.6

27 Apr 22:10
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  • Improved performance of shiny_attribtues by caching calls to units::valid_udunits_prefixes (See #332). This should dramatically improve performance of the Shiny application for certain use cases.
  • Changed how set_taxonomicCoverage works to follow the EML schema's guidance on handling species names (See #328). Species named are now stored as-is rather than split into genus and species.
  • Extended set_taxonomicCoverage when called with expand=TRUE to support multiple values (See #329)
  • Fixed a minor typographical issue in the Working with Units vignette (See eb16048)
  • Modified how set_attributes sets storageType on numeric columns so it will accept integer when provided by the user while still defaulting to float (See #324)
  • Extends get_attributes, set_attributes, and shiny_attributes to support attribute-level semantic annotations (See #318)
  • The test suite will now skip tests dependent on taxadb when it's not installed (See #320)

EML 2.0.5

27 Apr 22:14
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  • migrate upstream namespace changes units::as.units -> units::as_unitsz

EML 2.0.1

09 Dec 17:36
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  • Improve error message for get_attributes (#286)
  • Avoid ifelse() for portability (#283)
  • Avoid edge case that can create invalid EML in set_taxonomicNames() (#280)
  • Add documentation regarding the use of dimensionless units (#276)
  • Avoid test errors on systems for which pandoc cannot be installed (#290)

EML 2.0.0

09 Dec 05:39
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EML 2.0.0 is a ground-up rewrite of EML 1.x package. The primary difference is that EML 2.0.0 is built on S3 (list) objects instead of S4 object system. This makes the package interface easier to use and extend. Under the hood, this approach relies on the emld package, which uses a JSON-LD representation of EML which provides a natural translation into the list-based format.

While most high level functions for creating EML have been preserved, the change to S3 means that this package will not be backwards-compatible with many scripts which relied on the S4 system.

Added a file to track changes to the package.


11 May 04:01
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Merely a patch requested by CRAN. Avoids vignette build failures on machines that do not have Pandoc available.

The vignette on creating EML will avoid creating TextType nodes such as abstract from markdown or Word documents, which requires pandoc, if pandoc is not detected on the system. Instead, plain text chunks will be used in these sections.

Should not impact users.


25 Apr 23:40
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v1.0.2 Release is now on CRAN

This migrates dependencies from XML R package to the xml2 package and improves performance of serialization methods, along with other more minor changes. See for details.

Initial CRAN Release

20 Dec 18:47
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Provides a stable low-level API for parsing and serializing Ecological Metadata Language (EML) files. Four vignettes cover the basics of creating EML, reading EML, working with custom unit types, and working with metadata-driven repositories that can parse EML files and make this information available to their index and search utilities.