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This software allows users to monitor income, record daily expenditures, and categorize transactions for detailed financial insights. Through user-friendly interfaces, it facilitates the creation of budgets, helping users set and adhere to financial goals. Notifications and alerts keep users informed about budget limits and financial milestones.


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Money and Daily Cost Management Software

This software serves as a powerful tool for efficient budgeting and expense tracking, providing users with the ability to manage their finances effectively. It includes features such as income tracking, expense categorization, and real-time insights into spending patterns. With user-friendly interfaces and budget-setting capabilities, it empowers individuals to make informed financial decisions. Notifications and alerts keep users updated on budget limits and milestones.


To install the Money and Daily Cost Management Software, use the following Composer commands:

composer require symfony/asset-mapper
composer require symfony/asset
composer require symfonycasts/tailwind-bundle
symfony console tailwind:init
symfony console tailwind:build -w
symfony console cache:clear
composer require knplabs/knp-time-bundle
composer require tales-from-a-dev/flowbite-bundle
composer require security
symfony console doctrine:database:create
symfony console make:migration
symfony console doctrine:migrations:migrate
 composer require symfony/validator
composer require symfony/ux-autocomplete
symfony console importmap:require tom-select
php bin/console importmap:require tom-select/dist/css/tom-select.default.css
 symfony console tailwind:build -w


This software allows users to monitor income, record daily expenditures, and categorize transactions for detailed financial insights. Through user-friendly interfaces, it facilitates the creation of budgets, helping users set and adhere to financial goals. Notifications and alerts keep users informed about budget limits and financial milestones.






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