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Allows to create proxies for classes and interfaces, intercept properties, methods, events and customize the code generated.


  • Class Proxy: a Proxy that inherits from the class is created. Virtual members (properties, methods end events) are overridden. The base class members are invoked after interception.
  • Class Proxy with target: The target members are invoked after interception.
  • Interface Proxy with target: a Proxy that implements the interface is created. The target members are invoked after interception.
  • Interface Proxy without target: interceptors are used to get and set the return value


  • by attribute (built-in or custom)
  • global interceptor
  • Implement IInterceptor or use Interceptor and AsyncInterceptor base classes

Invocation Members:

  • CallerMethod: the method of the proxy
  • InterceptorProviderType: IGetterInterceptorProvider, ISetterInterceptorProvider,IMethodInterceptorProvider ,IAddOnInterceptorProvider, IRemoveOnInterceptorProvider
  • Member : property, method, event of the class to invoke after interception
  • Parameters: the method parameters
  • Proxy: the class or interface proxy
  • ReturnValue: the result value
  • Target: the target or null
  • GetAwaitableContext: allows to wait before calling Proceed
  • GetParameter allows to get typed parameter value
  • Proceed: call next interceptor or invoke member


  • Mixins: allows to add features to proxy created.
  • AdditionalCode : allows to customize the code generated.
  • ClassProxyMemberSelector: allows to filter members to include for Class Proxy. For example create an attribute and include only virtual members decorated with the attribute.
  • AdditionalTypeAttributes: allows to add custom attributes on proxy generated.
  • ConstructorSelector: allows to select the base constructor to call.
  • InterceptableMethodBuilder: allows to provide a custom InterceptableMethodBuilder.
  • InterceptorSelector: usefull to select interceptors to use for each method when we don't use attributes.


  • ConstructorInjectionResolver: allows to resolve constructor injections.


  • Generics
  • Parameters ref and out
  • Multi signatures
  • Interception on private members for ClassProxy


NuGet Package


Install-Package NIntercept


Class Proxy

A Proxy that inherits from the class is created. Virtual members (properties, methods end events) are overridden. Interceptors allow to intercept these members. The base class members are invoked after interception.

Sample 1 with global interceptor

Create a class with virtual members

public class MyClass
    public virtual string MyProperty { get; set; }

    public virtual void MyMethod()


    public virtual event EventHandler MyEvent;

Create an interceptor

public class LogInterceptor : IInterceptor
    public void Intercept(IInvocation invocation)
        Console.WriteLine($"[LogInterceptor] Before {invocation.CallerMethod.Name}");


        Console.WriteLine($"[LogInterceptor] After {invocation.CallerMethod.Name}");

Create and use the proxy

var generator = new ProxyGenerator();
var proxy = generator.CreateClassProxy<MyClass>(new LogInterceptor());

proxy.MyProperty = "New Value"; // Setter

Console.WriteLine($"MyProperty: {proxy.MyProperty}"); // Getter

proxy.MyMethod(); // Method

EventHandler handler = null;
handler = (s, e) =>

proxy.MyEvent += handler; // AddOn

proxy.MyEvent -= handler; // RemoveOn


[LogInterceptor] Before set_MyProperty
[LogInterceptor] After set_MyProperty
[LogInterceptor] Before get_MyProperty
[LogInterceptor] After get_MyProperty
MyProperty: New Value
[LogInterceptor] Before MyMethod
[LogInterceptor] After MyMethod
[LogInterceptor] Before add_MyEvent
[LogInterceptor] After add_MyEvent
[LogInterceptor] Before remove_MyEvent
[LogInterceptor] After remove_MyEvent

Sample 2 : with attributes (Create some interceptors for each attribute)

public class MyClass
    public virtual string MyProperty { get; set; }

    public virtual void MyMethod()


    public virtual event EventHandler MyEvent;
var generator = new ProxyGenerator();
var proxy = generator.CreateClassProxy<MyClass>();

// etc.
Interface Target Attribute
IInterceptorProvider class / interface AllInterceptorAttribute
IGetterInterceptorProvider Property getter GetterInterceptorAttribute
ISetterInterceptorProvider Property setter SetterInterceptorAttribute
IMethodInterceptorProvider Method MethodInterceptorAttribute
IAddOnInterceptorProvider Add event AddOnInterceptorAttribute
IRemoveOnInterceptorProvider Remove event RemoveOnInterceptorAttribute

Sample 3: Create a custom interceptor attribute

[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Interface | AttributeTargets.Property)]
public class MyGetSetInterceptorAttribute : Attribute,
    public Type InterceptorType => typeof(MyGetSetInterceptor);

public class MyGetSetInterceptor : IInterceptor
    public void Intercept(IInvocation invocation)
        Console.WriteLine($"[MyGetSetInterceptor] Before {invocation.CallerMethod.Name}");


        Console.WriteLine($"[MyGetSetInterceptor] After {invocation.CallerMethod.Name}");

Decorate the property

public class MyClass
    public virtual string MyProperty { get; set; }


[MyGetSetInterceptor] Before set_MyProperty
[MyGetSetInterceptor] After set_MyProperty
[MyGetSetInterceptor] Before get_MyProperty
[MyGetSetInterceptor] After get_MyProperty
MyProperty: New Value


  • The interceptor allows to update parameters, the return value


public class MyInterceptor : IInterceptor
    public void Intercept(IInvocation invocation)
        invocation.Parameters[0] = "New value";


        invocation.ReturnValue = "New result";
  • We can use the Interceptor class (Proceed is automatically invoked)
public class MyInterceptor : Interceptor
    protected override void OnEnter(IInvocation invocation)

    protected override void OnException(IInvocation invocation, Exception exception)

    protected override void OnExit(IInvocation invocation)

Class Proxy with target

A Proxy that inherits from the class is created. Virtual members (properties, methods end events) are overridden. Interceptors allow to intercept these members. The target members are invoked after interception.

var target = new MyClass();
var proxy = generator.CreateClassProxyWithTarget<MyClass>(target, new MyInterceptor());

Interface Proxy with target

A Proxy that implements the interface is created. Interceptors allow to intercept these members. The target members are invoked after interception.

var target = new MyService();
var proxy = generator.CreateInterfaceProxyWithTarget<IMyService>(target, new MyInterceptor());

Note: for Interface Proxy, add interceptor attributes on interface members

Interface Proxy without target

A Proxy that implements the interface is created. The interceptors are used to get and set the return value.

public interface IMyService
    string GetMessage(string name);

public class GetMessageInterceptor : IInterceptor
    public void Intercept(IInvocation invocation)
        // invocation.Proceed(); DO NOT CALL Proceed

        invocation.ReturnValue = $"Hello {invocation.Parameters[0]}!";
var proxy = generator.CreateInterfaceProxyWithoutTarget<IMyService>();
var message = proxy.GetMessage("World");
Console.WriteLine(message); // write "Hello World!"

Async interception

Sample 1 with GetAwaitableContext

public class MyAsyncInterceptor : IInterceptor
    public void Intercept(IInvocation invocation)
        var context = invocation.GetAwaitableContext(); // here

        var viewModel = invocation.Proxy as MainWindowViewModel;
        if (viewModel != null)
            viewModel.IsBusy = true;

        // async await void best practices
        Task.Delay(3000).Await(() =>
            if (viewModel != null)
                viewModel.IsBusy = false;

            context.Proceed(); // here

        }, ex => { });

Sample 2 With AsyncInterceptor for async Method

public class MyClass
    public virtual async Task Method()
        Console.WriteLine("Enter async Method");
        await Task.Delay(2000);
        Console.WriteLine("Exit async Method");

public class MyAsyncInterceptor : AsyncInterceptor
    protected override void OnEnter(IInvocation invocation)
        Console.WriteLine($"[MyAsyncInterceptor] Enter '{invocation.Member.Name}'");

    protected override void OnException(IInvocation invocation, Exception exception)
        Console.WriteLine($"[MyAsyncInterceptor] Exception '{invocation.Member.Name}', {exception.Message}");

    protected override void OnExit(IInvocation invocation)
        Console.WriteLine($"[MyAsyncInterceptor] Exit '{invocation.Member.Name}'");

ClassProxy Member Selector

Allows to filter members to include for Class Proxy.

Sample: ignore virtual Method named "MyMethod"

public class MyClassProxyMemberSelector : ClassProxyMemberSelector
    public override bool Filter(MemberInfo member)
        if (member.DeclaringType == typeof(MyClass) && member.Name == "MyMethod")
            return false;

        return true;
public class MyClass
    public virtual void MyMethod()
        Console.WriteLine("In MyMethod");

Define the option

var generator = new ProxyGenerator();
var options = new ProxyGeneratorOptions();
options.ClassProxyMemberSelector = new MyClassProxyMemberSelector();

var proxy = generator.CreateClassProxy<MyClass>(options, new LogInterceptor());

proxy.MyMethod(); // not intercepted


Usefull to select interceptors to use for each method when we don't use attributes.


public class MyInterceptorSelector : IInterceptorSelector
    private static readonly IInterceptor[] emptyInterceptorArray = new IInterceptor[0];

    public IInterceptor[] SelectInterceptors(Type type, MethodInfo method, IInterceptor[] interceptors)
        if (IsGetMethod(method))
            var getMethodInterceptor = interceptors.First(p => p.GetType() == typeof(GetMethodInterceptor));
            return new IInterceptor[] { getMethodInterceptor };
        else if (IsSetMethod(method))
            var setMethodInterceptor = interceptors.First(p => p.GetType() == typeof(SetMethodInterceptor));
            return new IInterceptor[] { setMethodInterceptor };
        else if (IsAddmethod(method)) { }
        else if (IsRemoveMethod(method)) { }
            var methodInterceptor = interceptors.First(p => p.GetType() == typeof(MethodInterceptor));
            return new IInterceptor[] { methodInterceptor };
        return emptyInterceptorArray;

    private bool IsGetMethod(MethodInfo method)
        return method.Name.StartsWith("get_");

    private bool IsSetMethod(MethodInfo method)
        return method.Name.StartsWith("set_");

    private bool IsAddmethod(MethodInfo method)
        return method.Name.StartsWith("add_");

    private bool IsRemoveMethod(MethodInfo method)
        return method.Name.StartsWith("remove_");

public class GetMethodInterceptor : IInterceptor
    public void Intercept(IInvocation invocation)
        Console.WriteLine($"[GetMethodInterceptor] {invocation.CallerMethod.Name}");

public class SetMethodInterceptor : IInterceptor
    public void Intercept(IInvocation invocation)
        Console.WriteLine($"[SetMethodInterceptor] {invocation.CallerMethod.Name}");

public class MethodInterceptor : IInterceptor
    public void Intercept(IInvocation invocation)
        Console.WriteLine($"[MethodInterceptor] {invocation.CallerMethod.Name}");

public class MyClass
    public virtual string MyProperty { get; set; }

    public virtual void MyMethod()
        Console.WriteLine("In MyMethod");

Define the options

var generator = new ProxyGenerator();
var options = new ProxyGeneratorOptions();
options.InterceptorSelector = new MyInterceptorSelector();
var proxy = generator.CreateClassProxy<MyClassWithInterceptorSelector>(options, new GetMethodInterceptor(), new SetMethodInterceptor(), new MethodInterceptor());

proxy.MyProperty = "New Value"; // SetMethodInterceptor used

Console.WriteLine($"Get: {proxy.MyProperty}"); // GetMethodInterceptor used

proxy.MyMethod(); // MethodInterceptor used

Constructor Injection Resolver

Allows to resolve parameters of the base class contructor for a Class Proxy.

Note: the DefaultConstructorInjectionResolver returns defaults (default values for value types, null for objects).

Sample use Unity Container to resolve injection parameters

public class MyClass
    private readonly IMyService myService;
    // constructor with injection
    public MyClass(IMyService myService)
        this.myService = myService;

    public void Method()

public interface IMyService
    string GetMessage(string name);

public class MyService : IMyService
    public string GetMessage(string name)
        return $"Hello {name}!";

Create the Constructor Injection Resolver

public class UnityConstructorInjectionResolver : IConstructorInjectionResolver
    private readonly IUnityContainer container;

    public UnityConstructorInjectionResolver(IUnityContainer container)
        if (container is null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(container));

        this.container = container;

    public object Resolve(ParameterInfo parameter)
        return container.Resolve(parameter.ParameterType);

Define the options and create the proxy

IUnityContainer container = new UnityContainer();
container.RegisterType<IMyService, MyService>();

var options = new ProxyGeneratorOptions();
options.ConstructorInjectionResolver = new UnityConstructorInjectionResolver(container);

var proxy = generator.CreateClassProxy<MyClass>(options);


Note: By default the first constructor of the proxied class is selected. Create a custom ConstructorSelector (and set the option) to change this behavior.


Allows to inject dependencies in interceptors used with interceptor attributes

Sample 1: Change the default factory with an IoC Container

var generator = new ProxyGenerator();

// Example with Unity Container
IUnityContainer container = new UnityContainer();

// here
ObjectFactory.SetDefaultFactory(type => container.Resolve(type));

container.RegisterType<IService1, Service1>();
container.RegisterType<IService2, Service2>();


Create an interceptor with injections.

public class MyInterceptor : IInterceptor
    public MyInterceptor(IService1 service1, IService2 service2)
        Service1 = service1;
        Service2 = service2;

    public IService1 Service1 { get; }
    public IService2 Service2 { get; }

    public void Intercept(IInvocation invocation)

Sample 2: get the same instance of the interceptor. Usefull for Interface Proxy without target.

var container = new UnityContainer();

container.RegisterType<MyInterceptor>(new ContainerControlledLifetimeManager());

ObjectFactory.SetDefaultFactory(type => container.Resolve(type));
var generator = new ProxyGenerator();

var proxy = generator.CreateInterfaceProxyWithoutTarget<IMyClass>();

proxy.Title = "New Value";
var title = proxy.Title;
public class MyInterceptor : IInterceptor
    private string _title;

    public void Intercept(IInvocation invocation)
        if (invocation.CallerMethod.Name.StartsWith("set_"))
            _title= invocation.GetParameter<string>(0); 
            invocation.ReturnValue = _title;

public interface IMyClass
    string Title { get; set; }

public class GetSetTitleAttribute : Attribute, 
    public Type InterceptorType => typeof(MyInterceptor);


Allows to add features to proxy generated.

Sample add INotifyPropertyChanged to Proxy created

public class MainWindowViewModel
    private DelegateCommand updateTitleCommand;

    public MainWindowViewModel()
        Title = "Main title";

    public virtual string Title { get; set; }

    public DelegateCommand UpdateTitleCommand
            if (updateTitleCommand == null)
                updateTitleCommand = new DelegateCommand(ExecuteUpdateTitleCommand);
            return updateTitleCommand;

    protected virtual void ExecuteUpdateTitleCommand()
        Title += "!";

Define the Mixin

public interface INotifyPropertyChangedMixin : INotifyPropertyChanged
    void OnPropertyChanged(object target, string propertyName);

public class PropertyChangedMixin : INotifyPropertyChangedMixin
    public void OnPropertyChanged(object target, string propertyName)
        PropertyChanged?.Invoke(target, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));

    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

Define an attribute and an interceptor

[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Interface | AttributeTargets.Property)]
public class PropertyChangedAttribute : Attribute, ISetterInterceptorProvider
    public Type InterceptorType => typeof(PropertyChangedInterceptor);

public class PropertyChangedInterceptor : Interceptor
    protected override void OnEnter(IInvocation invocation) { }
    protected override void OnException(IInvocation invocation, Exception exception)
        Console.WriteLine($"Error: {exception.Message}");

    protected override void OnExit(IInvocation invocation)
        INotifyPropertyChangedMixin mixin = invocation.Proxy as INotifyPropertyChangedMixin;
        if (mixin != null)
            string propertyName = invocation.Member.Name;
            mixin.OnPropertyChanged(invocation.Proxy, propertyName);

Define the options

var options = new ProxyGeneratorOptions();
options.AddMixinInstance(new PropertyChangedMixin());
var proxy = generator.CreateClassProxy<MainWindowViewModel>(options);

Note: caution for proxies with target. We leave the proxy after calling a target member

Additional Code

Allows to customize the code generated. It's an "alternative" to Mixins. Require to write il code with System.Reflection.Emit.


  • BeforeDefine: called just after the TypeBuilder for the Proxy is defined.
  • AfterDefine: called after all members defined.
  • BeforeInvoke: called before invoke the method on the target or the base class.
  • AfterInvoke: called after invoke the method

Note: the ProxyScope allows to find field, property, method, event builders.


public class MyAdditionalCode : AdditionalCode
    private static readonly MethodInfo WriteLineMethod = typeof(Console).GetMethod("WriteLine", new Type[] { typeof(string) });

    public override void BeforeInvoke(ProxyScope proxyScope, ILGenerator il, CallbackMethodDefinition callbackMethodDefinition)
        il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, $"Before {callbackMethodDefinition.Method.Name}");
        il.Emit(OpCodes.Call, WriteLineMethod);

    public override void AfterInvoke(ProxyScope proxyScope, ILGenerator il, CallbackMethodDefinition callbackMethodDefinition)
        il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, $"After {callbackMethodDefinition.Method.Name}");
        il.Emit(OpCodes.Call, WriteLineMethod);

Create a simple class

public class MyClass
    public virtual void MyMethod()
        Console.WriteLine("In My Method");

Define the options

var generator = new ProxyGenerator();

var options = new ProxyGeneratorOptions();
options.AdditionalCode = new MyAdditionalCode();

var proxy = generator.CreateClassProxy<MyClass>(options);


Before MyMethod
In My Method
After MyMethod

Code Generated for the callback method:

public void MyMethod_Callback()
    Console.WriteLine("Before MyMethod");
    Console.WriteLine("After MyMethod");

Advanced sample: Take a look at the CodeGenerationSample

For example allows to implement INotifyPropertyChanged or create the commands for the ViewModel Proxy generated.

public class ViewModelBuilder : AdditionalCode
    private NotifyPropertyChangedFeature notifyPropertyChangedFeature;
    private DelegateCommandBuilder delegateCommandBuilder;

    public ViewModelBuilder()
        notifyPropertyChangedFeature = new NotifyPropertyChangedFeature();
        delegateCommandBuilder = new DelegateCommandBuilder();

    public override void BeforeDefine(ProxyScope proxyScope)
        if (ViewModelSupport.IsViewModel(proxyScope.TypeDefinition.Type))

            var commands = ViewModelSupport.GetCommandInfos(proxyScope.TypeDefinition.Type);
            delegateCommandBuilder.CreateCommands(proxyScope, commands);

    public override void BeforeInvoke(ProxyScope proxyScope, ILGenerator il, CallbackMethodDefinition callbackMethodDefinition)
        // never called with clean get and set method builder

        if (callbackMethodDefinition.MethodDefinition.MethodDefinitionType == MethodDefinitionType.Setter && ViewModelSupport.IsViewModel(proxyScope.TypeDefinition.Type))
            notifyPropertyChangedFeature.CheckEquals(proxyScope, il, callbackMethodDefinition.Method);

    public override void AfterInvoke(ProxyScope proxyScope, ILGenerator il, CallbackMethodDefinition callbackMethodDefinition)
        // never called with clean get and set method builder

        if (callbackMethodDefinition.MethodDefinition.MethodDefinitionType == MethodDefinitionType.Setter && ViewModelSupport.IsViewModel(proxyScope.TypeDefinition.Type))
            notifyPropertyChangedFeature.InvokeOnPropertyChanged(proxyScope, il, callbackMethodDefinition.Method);

            string propertyName = (callbackMethodDefinition.MethodDefinition as SetMethodDefinition).PropertyDefinition.Name;
            delegateCommandBuilder.RaiseCanExecuteChangedFor(proxyScope, il, propertyName);


public class MainWindowViewModel
    public MainWindowViewModel()
        Title = "The title";
    // The proxy implements INotifyPropertyChanged 
    // The properties raise On PropertyChanged
    public virtual string Title { get; set; }

    public virtual bool CanExecute { get; set; }
    // A (Prism) DelegateCommand "UpdateTitleCommand" with CanExecute Method is created
    // CanExecute property raises CanExecuteChanged
    [Command("UpdateTitleCommand", CanExecuteMethodName = nameof(CanExecuteUpdateTitle), CanExecutePropertyNames = new[] { nameof(CanExecute) })]
    protected void ExecuteUpdateTitleCommand()
        Title += "!";

    protected bool CanExecuteUpdateTitle()
        return CanExecute; 

Another alternative is to create a custom InterceptableMethodBuilder. Update the proxy and implement INotifyPropertyChanged (add INotifyPropertyChanged interface, event and protected method to raise the event) and call OnPropertyChanged method in properties.

Save The Assembly (.NET Framework Only)

var generator = new ProxyGenerator(new ModuleScope(true)); // save
// with strong name
// var generator = new ProxyGenerator(new ModuleScope(true, true)); // save, strong name
// Or change the assembly and module names
// var generator = new ProxyGenerator(new ModuleScope("MyAssembly","MyModule",true, true)); 

var proxy = generator.CreateClassProxy<MyClass>();

// save the assembly


  • Use this feature only for Debug
  • Decompiler : ILSpy (IL with C# comments, not fail to decompile unlike JustDecompile)


  • allows to access to private/public/static members (fields, properties, methods, constructors, events accessors)
  • invoke usefull methods
  • intercept get, set, add, remove and methods


var target = new MyClass();
var accessor = new TypeAccessor(target);
accessor.Properties["MyProperty"].InterceptSet(new object[] { "New Value" }, new LogInterceptor());


  • .NET Framework 4.5 and 4.7.2
  • .NET Core 3.1
  • .NET Standard 2.0

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