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USV Obstacle Detection Challenge Evaluation Toolkit

This repository contains source code of the evaluation toolkit for the USV Obstacle Detection Challenge, hosted at the 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) as part of the WACV2023.

The official site for the challenge can be found here.

The evaluation protocol is based on the paper by Bovcon et al.:

Bovcon Borja, Muhovič Jon, Vranac Duško, Mozetič Dean, Perš Janez and Kristan Matej, "MODS -- A USV-oriented object detection and obstacle segmentation benchmark", IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2021. Pre-print version available on arXiv.

The evaluation code is based on the implementation provided by the authors in in object_detection sub-directory in bbox_obstacle_detection branch (here).

Getting started

1. Download the MODS dataset

Download and unpack the MODS dataset.

2. Process the dataset with your detection method

Use your algorithm to process the whole MODS dataset. The MODS dataset does not provide training data, and should be used only for evaluation.

For training data, you can use any other dataset that is available to you, including the MODD2 dataset and the older MODD dataset.

The algorithm should output the detections with rectangular axis-aligned bounding boxes of waterborne objects belonging to the following semantic classes: vessel, person, and other. The results should be stored in a single JSON file using the format described below.

Results file format

The results JSON file, expected by the evaluation tool, is very similar to the mods.json file from the MODS dataset, except that each frame object provides a detections array describing detected obstacles:

  "dataset": {
    "name": "myalgorithm",
    "num_seq": 94,
    "sequences": [
        "id": 0,
        "path": "/kope100-00006790-00007090/frames/",
        "num_frames": 31
        "frames": [
            "id": 0,
            "image_file_name": "00006790L.jpg",
            "detections": []
            "id": 30,
            "image_file_name": "00007090L.jpg",
            "detections": []
        "id": 1,
        "path": "/kope100-00011830-00012500/frames/",
        "num_frames": 68,
        "frames": [
            "id": 0,
            "image_file_name": "00011830L.jpg",
            "detections": [
                "id": 0,
                "type": 2,
                "bbox": [366, 544, 16, 22]
            "id": 1,
            "image_file_name": "00011840L.jpg",
            "detections": [
                "id": 0,
                "type": 2,
                "bbox": [156, 575, 14, 14]
                "id": 1,
                "type": 2,
                "bbox": [270,555,15,20]

The JSON file must contain a root dataset object, which must contain a sequences array. Each element is a sequence object that corresponds to the sequence object from in the dataset (mods.json) file. Each sequence object must contain an id field (with a value that matches the id of the sequence in the dataset), and a detections array. If there are no detections in the frame, the detections should be an empty array (or alternatively, it can be omitted altogether). Otherwise, it should contain one object per detection, each consisting of anid (which must be unique within the image), type (denoting the detection type; see below), and bbox (bounding box; [x, y, width, height]).

The type field denotes the detection's category, and can be either a string or an integer, with following values being recognized:

  • "ship" or 0
  • "person" or 1
  • "other" or 2

In the above example, we included additional fields to make it easier to compare the structure to that of the mods.json file. The easiest way to generate the results file is, in fact, taking the data from the mods.json file and adding the detections arrays to the frame objects.

For reference, we provide exemplar result JSON files for the methods evaluated in the Bovcon et al. paper (MaskRCNN, FCOS, YOLOv4, and SSD):

These reference detection JSON files can also be used in the subsequent steps to verify that the evaluation toolkit has been properly installed and is functioning as expected. They also illustrate various options discussed above (for example, results for SSD omit empty detections array; results for FCOS and SSD use numeric class type, while MaskRCNN and YOLOv4 use string-based class type).

3. Install the evaluation toolkit

The evaluation toolkit requires a recent version of python3 (>= 3.6) and depends on pycocotools, numpy, and opencv-python-headless (or a "regular" opencv-python).

To prevent potential conflicts with python packages installed in the global/base python environment, it is recommended to use a separate python virtual environment using python's venv module:

  1. Create the virtual environment:

python3 -m venv venv-usv

This will create a new virtual environment called venv-usv in the current working directory.

  1. Activate the virtual environment:

On Linux and macOS (assuming bash shell), run:

. venv-usv/bin/activate

On Windows, run:

  1. Once virtual environment is activated, update pip, wheel, and setuptools:
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip wheel setuptools

4a. Install the toolkit (recommended approach)

The toolkit can be installed directly from the git repository, using the following command

python3 -m pip install git+

This will automatically check out the source code from the repository, and install it into your (virtual) environment. It should also create an executable called macvi-usv-odce-tool in your environment's scripts directory. Running

macvi-usv-odce-tool --help

should display the help message:

usage: macvi_usv_odce_tool [-h] [--version] command ...

MaCVi USV Obstacle Detection Challenge Evaluation Toolkit

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             show program's version number and exit

valid commands:
  command               command description
    evaluate (e)        Evaluate the results.
    prepare-submission (s)
                        Evaluate the results and prepare archive for submission.
    unpack-submission (u)
                        Unpack the submission archive.

The tool provides three commands (evaluate, prepare-submission, and unpack-submission); the help for each can be obtained by adding --help argument after the command name:

macvi_usv_odce_tool evaluate --help
macvi_usv_odce_tool prepare-submission --help

NOTE: Runing the tool via the macvi-usv-odce-tool requires your environment's scripts directory to be in PATH. This is usually the case when using virtual environments, but may not be the case if you are using your base python environment (especially on Windows). If the system cannot find the macvi-usv-odce-tool command, try using

python3 -m macvi_usv_odce_toolkit

instead of macvi_usv_odce_tool. If neither works, the toolkit was either not installed, or you have forgotten to activate your virtual environment.

4b. Install the toolkit (alternative approach)

Alternatively, you can also check out the source code from the repository, and run the script to launch the evaluation tool from within the check-out directory:

git clone
cd macvi-usv-odce-toolkit
python3 -m pip install --requirement requirements.txt
python3 --help

4. Evaluate the results

While testing your algorithm locally, you can use the evaluate command to perform evaluation and receive immediate feedback. Assuming that your current working directory contains unpacked MODS dataset in mods sub-directory and the results JSON file called results.json, run:

macvi-usv-odce-tool evaluate mods/mods.json results.json

This should run the evaluation using all three detection evaluation setups from the Bovcon et al. paper:

  • Setup 1: evaluation using sea-edge based mask, taking into account the class labels of ground truth and detections.
  • Setup 2: evaluation using sea-edge based mask, ignoring the class labels (detection without recognition).
  • Setup 3: evaluation using danger-zone based mask (the radial area with radius 15 meters in front of the USV), ignoring the class labels.
MaCVi USV Obstacle Detection Challenge Evaluation Toolkit

 - mode: 'evaluate'
 - dataset JSON file: 'mods/mods.json'
 - results JSON file: 'results.json'
 - output file: None
 - sequence(s): None

Evaluating Setup 1...
Evaluation complete in 16.37 seconds!
Evaluating Setup 2...
Evaluation complete in 15.39 seconds!
Evaluating Setup 3...
Evaluation complete in 16.37 seconds!

Results: F_all F_small F_medium F_large
Setup_1: 0.122 0.065 0.209 0.260
Setup_2: 0.172 0.090 0.385 0.522
Setup_3: 0.964 0.976 0.958 0.968

Challenge results (F_avg, F_s1, F_s2, F_s3):
0.419 0.122 0.172 0.964


The ranking metric for the challenge is the average of the overall F-score values obtained in each of the three setups (in the above example, 0.419 = (0.122 + 0.172 + 0.964) / 3. In the case of the tie, the overall F-score from Setup 1 is used as the tie-breaker (in the above example, 0.122).

5. Prepare submission

Having obtained the results, you can prepare the submission archive. To do so, use the macvi-usv-odce-tool and prepare-submission command. Its behavior is similar to the evaluate command, except that it requires an additional argument - the path to the source code of the algorithm, which needs to be supplied as part of the submission.

The tool performs the evaluation, and generates the archive that contains raw detection results (the results JSON file that was used for evaluation), the evaluation results, and the collected source code.

If the source code path points to a directory, its while contents are recursively collected into the submission archive. If the source code path points to a file (a single-file source, or a pre-generated archive containing the whole source code), the file is collected into archive as-is.

To continue the example from the previous step, assuming that your current working directory contains unpacked MODS dataset in mods sub-directory, the results JSON file called results.json, and source code archive called, run:

macvi-usv-odce-tool prepare-submission mods/mods.json results.json

The output of the tool should look similar to:

MaCVi USV Obstacle Detection Challenge Evaluation Toolkit

 - mode: 'prepare-submission'
 - dataset JSON file: 'mods/mods.json'
 - results JSON file: 'results.json'
 - source code path: ''
 - output file: ''

Evaluating Setup 1...
Evaluation complete in 13.08 seconds!
Evaluating Setup 2...
Evaluation complete in 12.17 seconds!
Evaluating Setup 3...
Evaluation complete in 14.96 seconds!

Results: F_all F_small F_medium F_large
Setup_1: 0.122 0.065 0.209 0.260
Setup_2: 0.172 0.090 0.385 0.522
Setup_3: 0.964 0.976 0.958 0.968

Challenge results (F_avg, F_s1, F_s2, F_s3):
0.419 0.122 0.172 0.964

Preparing submission archive ''...
Collecting raw results file 'results.json'...
Collecting evaluation results file...
Collecting source code from ''...


and the tool should generate a file called `˙ in the current working directory.

To use a different name or a different target directory, you can provide a custom path via the --output-file <filename> command-line argument.

6. Submit the archive

Once the submission archive is generated, you can submit it on the challenge's web page.

Once the archive is submitted, the submission server backend will unpack the archive's contents using the unpack-submission command, and (optionally) re-evaluate the results using the local copy of the toolkit and the dataset annotations.


USV Obstacle Detection Challenge Evaluation Toolkit








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