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Shoppable Video

Shoppable Video, a web application is a solution which will let the user take a snapshot of scene in the movie/tv show, mark items/celebrities of interest and analyse the snapshotted frame. Then the solution would display the identified celebrities with details and the list of products available for purchasing on e-commerce sites for identified items. The solution would also recommend movie titles to the user considering user’s interaction with celebrities. The snapshots taken by the user would get added in snapshots library which is a searchable list.


Shoppable Video uses a number of cloud resources and open source projects to work properly:

Architecture Overview

The diagram below presents the architecture of Shoppable Video and illustrates the different AWS resources used.



  1. The snapshotted frame and selected area of the snapshotted frame for making a lookup request in the application is saved in this Amazon S3 bucket, which will be later used by Amazon Rekognition for identifying different objects and also by the application for rendering the snapshot in UI.

  2. The AWS Cognito is used for providing sign-up and sign-in options for the application users and AWS Amplify for building the web application.

  3. The Amazon API Gateway is used to set up API endpoints for serving the client requests with the help of AWS Lambda functions.

  4. AWS Lambda stores all the snapshot details in DynamoDB for the users.

  5. AWS Lambda function tells Amazon Rekognition for identifying different objects present in the image stored in Amazon S3 bucket.

  6. The metadata for the Dataset group of AWS Personalize is stored in this Amazon S3 Bucket which is imported to AWS Personalize for creating solution.

  7. AWS Lambda function gets the recommendations from AWS Personalize for the users and another AWS Lambda function ingests real-time events using event trackers.

  8. AWS Lambda further makes request to PA-API and populates the details of identified objects for the users which is being simulated for few objects with static data for now.

Source Code

  1. Download the automated CloudFormation templates "shoppable-video.yml" and "cloudfront-shoppable-video.yml" found in cloudformation-templates.
  2. Push the "user-engagement-and-monetisation-for-streaming-media-content" repository to AWS CodeCommit. You can follow links given below for your reference.

Deployment of AWS Resources

Launch Stack: shoppable-video.yml

  • This cloudformation template will create ContentsS3Bucket, PersonalizeS3Bucket, SnapshotsTableDynamoDB, and ShoppableVideoAppAmplify.
  1. Go to AWS Console and open Cloudformation.
  2. On the Create stack page, select "Upload a template file", upload "shoppable-video.yml" and click Next.
  3. On the Specify stack details page, assign a name shoppable-video to your solution stack and click Next.
  4. On the Configure stack options page, click Next.
  5. On the Review shoppable-video page, click Create Stack.
  6. Once the creation of stack is done, navigate to Outputs of this stack.
  7. You can find ContentsS3BucketDomainName which is in the format "". Notedown, the BUCKETNAME.
  8. You'll also find PersonalizeS3BucketDomainName which is in the format "". Notedown, the BUCKETNAME.
  9. Additionally, notedown the SnapshotsTableDynamoDBName that you'll find there.

Configure Amplify App

  1. Go to AWS Console, open AWS Amplify and navigate to All apps.
  2. Click on ShoppableVideo.
  3. On the Hosting environments page, select AWS CodeCommit and click Connect branch.
  4. On Add repository branch page, select "The name of the repository you pushed to AWS Codecommit." in Recently updated repositories. In Branch select "The branch that you created for your repository." and click on Next.
  5. On Build settings page, you must see auto-detected configurations.
  6. On Build settings page, select the option of Enable full-stack continuous deployments (CI/CD) and for Environment select Create new environment.
  7. On Build settings page, click on Create new role.
  8. You will be redirected to Create role page, click on Next: Permissions. Then click on Next: Tags. Then click on Next: Review. After that in Role Name, fill "shoppable-video-amplify-role" and click on Create role.
  9. Go back to Build settings page, click on Refresh roles and select "shoppable-video-amplify-role" for service role.
  10. On Build settings page, you'll also find Build and test settings. Click on Edit. Within the Edit build commands pop-up, in preBuild commands at Line 12 simply add a space-separated " --legacy-peer-deps" to the existing command "- npm ci" without touching the indentations and close the pop-up. This modification will result in the command appearing as below once applied.
- npm ci --legacy-peer-deps
  1. Then click on Next.
  2. On Review page, click on Save and deploy.
  3. Now navigate to General.
  4. You will find Production branch URL which is in the format "https://AMPLIFYAPPDOMAINNAME". Notedown, AMPLIFYAPPDOMAINNAME whose value is the only part after "https://".

Uploading Contents to S3 Buckets

  • This step is common for all the updation. Go to AWS Console, open Amazon S3. Search the name of the S3 bucket that you noted down in "Launch Stack: shoppable-video.yml" process and select the bucket.


  1. Unzip and upload all the files found in ContentsS3Bucket-Contents folder from the resources to this bucket.


  1. Unzip and upload all the files found in PersonalizeS3Bucket-Contents folder from the resources to this bucket.

Launch Stack: cloudfront-shoppable-video.yml

  • This cloudformation template will create CloudFront Distribution and Personalize related resources.
  1. Go to AWS Console and open Cloudformation.
  2. On the Create stack page, select "Upload a template file", upload "cloudfront-shoppable-video.yml" and click Next.
  3. On the Specify stack details page, assign a name cloudfront-shoppable-video to your solution stack.
  4. Under parameters,
    • AmplifyAppDomainName: Fill the value of AMPLIFYAPPDOMAINNAME noted down in "Configure Amplify App - Step: 14"
    • ContentsS3BucketDomainName: The value for this parameter will be in the format - "" where you have to replace the value of BUCKETNAME noted down in "Launch Stack: shoppable-video.yml - Step: 7" and REGION with the region in which your bucket is deployed like "us-east-1" for N. Virginia.
    • PersonalizeS3BucketName: Fill the value of BUCKETNAME noted down in "Launch Stack: shoppable-video.yml - Step: 8".
    • SnapshotsS3BucketDomainName: For this value, go to cloudformation, enable View nested button and select Stacks. In stacks, search for storagelookupobjectsstorage and open this stack (in case you don't find the stack, wait for some time). Navigate to Outputs. The value for this parameter will be in the format - "" where you have to replace the value of BUCKETNAME and REGION from the output. Also make sure to notedown the value of BucketName.
  5. After adding values of parameters, click Next.
  6. On the Configure stack options page, click Next.
  7. On the Review cloudfront-shoppable-video page, check the option "I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources." and click Create Stack.
  8. Once the creation of stack is done, navigate to Outputs of this stack.
  9. Notedown CLOUDFRONTDOMAINNAME whose value is same as CloudFrontDomainName.

Setting up OAI for S3 Buckets

  1. Go to AWS Console, open CloudFront and navigate to Distributions.
  2. Select the distribution with the description "ShoppableVideo" and navigate to Origins.
  3. Select ContentsS3Origin and click on Edit. In S3 bucket access, select "Yes, update the bucket policy" option and click Save changes.
  4. Also for SnapshotsS3Origin, follow the same steps mentioned for ContentsS3Origin in Step: 3.

Creating Campaign and Event Tracker

  1. Go to AWS Console, open Amazon Personalize. Navigate to manage Dataset groups and select ShoppableVideoDSG.
  2. Navigate to Custom resources and click on Solutions and recipes. Then select ShoppableVideoSolution.
  3. Click on Create solution version. On Create solution version page, fill solution version name as "v1" click on Create solution version.
  4. Once the solution version is created, scroll down and click on Create campaign.
  5. On Create new campaign page, fill Campaign name as "campaignv1" and click on Create campaign. Then notedown "Campaign ARN".
  6. Navigate to Event Trackers, click on Create event tracker and fill tracker name as "analysed" on Configure tracker page.
  7. On Install the SDK page, notedown the "Tracking ID", and click on Finish.

Configuring Environment Variables

Updating Lambda Functions

  • This step is common for all the updation. Go to AWS Console, open AWS Lambda. Navigate to Functions. Search the name of the lambda function, you will find the function accompanied with "The branch name that you created for the repository." and select the function. Navigate to Configurations tab and select Environment variables. Now, click on Edit.

Lambda: identifiedobjectslambda

  1. Click on Add environment variable and add below variables.
    Environment variable Name Description
    LOOKUPOBJECTSS3STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME The value of the BucketName that you noted down in "Launch Stack: cloudfront-shoppable-video.yml - Step: 4" while filling the value of SnapshotsS3BucketDomainName parameter.
  2. Click on Save.

Lambda: puteventanalysedlambda

  1. Click on Add environment variable and add below variables.
    Environment variable Name Description
    TRACKING_ID The value of the Tracking ID that you noted down in "Creating Campaign and Event Tracker - Step: 7".
  2. Click on Save.

Lambda: recommendationscelebidlambda

  1. Click on Add environment variable and add below variables.
    Environment variable Name Description
    CAMPAIGN_ARN The value of the Campaign ARN that you noted down in "Creating Campaign and Event Tracker - Step: 5".
  2. Click on Save.

Lambda: snapshotslambda

  1. Click on Add environment variable and add below variables.
    Environment variable Name Description
    TABLE_NAME The value of the SnapshotsTableDynamoDBName that you noted down in "Launch Stack: shoppable-video.yml - Step: 9".
  2. Click on Save.

Updating Amplify App

  1. Go to AWS Console, open AWS Amplify and navigate to All apps.
  2. Click on ShoppableVideo.
  3. Click on Environment variables and then click on Manage variables.
  4. On Environment variables page, click on Add variable twice.
    Environment variable Name Description
    REACT_APP_CLOUDFRONT_LINK The format of this value is "https://CLOUDFRONTDOMAINNAME" where the value of CLOUDFRONTDOMAINNAME is replaced by the value noted down in "Launch Stack: cloudfront-shoppable-video.yml - Step: 9".
    REACT_APP_TMDB_API_KEY The TMDB API key that you can generate for yourself on their website.
  5. Click on Save.
  6. Now click on ShoppableVideo under All apps.
  7. In Hosting environments, click on Build.
  8. Now, click on Redeploy this version.

Now, hit the url "https://ClOUDFRONTDOMAINNAME" where the value of CLOUDFRONTDOMAINNAME is replaced by the value noted down in "Launch Stack: cloudfront-shoppable-video.yml - Step: 9" and use the application. For playing a custom video of your choice, you can upload your video to ContentsS3Bucket and enter the name of the video file in the UI.


A Serverless Web App that lets a user snap scenes, identify items, shop products, and get movie suggestions.







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