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latex2wordpress: Make your LaTeX docs Wordpress-ready

Posting LaTeX content to Wordpress is a hassle. Even with existing (January 2015) LaTeX support on Wordpress, LaTeX content needs to be hand-modified to conform to Wordpress format. Additionally there is no support for LaTeX labels and references. They need to be inserted by hand. If an equation or a reference is added in the text, all the subsequent numbering changes need to performed manually. The process is manual and unscalable for larger documents.

latextowordpress is a tool for converting LaTeX compositions to a format suitable for copy-pasting to Wordpress. The core logic involves extracting various LaTeX tags and replacing or wrapping them with HTML so they are acceptable to wordpress. The converter can be extended by adding methods for processing of additional tags.


The converter consists of two Python files and

  1. Download the two Python files and place them in any directory

  2. Go to the folder with your latex source and compile your LaTeX source twice. This should generate a .aux file in the LaTeX source folder

  3. Invoke the LaTeX to Wordpress converter:

	$ python latexfile.tex latexfile.aux

If is not in your path, then you have to provide complete path to it.

The Wordpress-ready file would be available as latexfilename_wordpress.tex

Composing LaTeX source for conversion to wordpress format

For the most part, l2wp dows not pose any restrictions on your latex formatting style. However, if you care about faithfully transferring equation numbering from your LaTeX source to Wordpress, then you need to adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. Every equation you want numbered should be explicitly labeled with \label{...}. Else you should append every un-numbered equation by \nonumber
  2. The \label{...} should appear after the equation content and just before \end{equation} like so:
	E = mc^2


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