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new approach for commons-asset - simplified concept writtin typescript

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build docker


  • file upload
  • extraction of meta data
  • image processing (blurhash and image colors)
  • works with any filetype
  • storage implementation with AWS S3


# install dependencies
$ npm run install

# serve
$ npm run start

# build for production
$  npm run build
$  npm run start:prod

Running as a Docker

docker run -it -p 8081:8081 rocketbaseio/datenort:latest


Structure is not getting generated automatically. Please create it by your own. Currently build for PostgreSQL.

create table asset (
    id uuid not null,
    url_path text,
    bucket varchar(100),
    type varchar(128) not null,
    blur_hash varchar(100),
    created timestamptz not null default current_timestamp,
    analyzed timestamptz,
    original_filename text not null,
    file_size integer not null,
    reference_url text,
    image_width integer,
    image_height integer,
    color_palette jsonb,

    constraint asset_pkey primary key (id)

Configuring the Server

Variable Description Necessary?
DATABASE_URL Used for the PostgresDB Connection.
Syntax: postgres://{user}:{password}@{hostname}:{port}/{database-name}
TOKEN_AUTHORIZATION_URL It's used for the JWT authorization to protect the endpoints (recommended) Depends
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID AWS S3 Bucket authorization Yes
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY AWS S3 Bucket authorization Yes
PORT Sets the port of the server
Default: 8083
Docker Expose 8081
NB_INSTANCES Determines the number of instances run in the cluster
Default: 2
MAX_MEMORY_RESTART Determines the maximum memory for when the application should restart to avoid memory leaks
Default: 1024M
NODE_ENV Also determines the instances in the cluster. When it's set to "test", 1 instance will be run. No
NODE_ARGS Set custom arguments for NodeJS
Default: --max_old_space_size=1800