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Goldstar is a chore-tracking web app made for the Naked Lady House in San Francisco, CA.

Our system is simple--do chores, get points, get paid. The problem--housemates are inconsistent about writing down their chores in the accounting book. Enter Goldstar, a simple web interface to enter chores into the system.


##Main Page: See other roommates' stats and enter what you've done

No user authentication is required because:

  • It's tedious
  • We trust one another
  • Who'd log on to give someone else points?

##Monthly: See how much money to doll out at the end of the month. Our monthly budget it $50, split among all chore doers.

##10%: Ten Percent is going above and beyond the day-to-day maintenance of the house. Make cheesecake? Reorganize the deep-storage? Text it to the 10% number and it shows up on the 10% page for all to appreciate.

#Use It: Fork it and make it your own! Tell me all about it. Custom house data is added in the seed file.