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backend to my fragments api

frequently used commands

Run eslint and make sure there are no errors that need to be fixed: npm run lint

pretty-print the JSON (NOTE: the -s option silences the usual output to CURL, only sending the response from the server to jq: curl -s localhost:8080 | jq

The start script runs our server normally; dev runs it via nodemon, which watches the src/** folder for any changes, restarting the server whenever something is updated; debug is the same as dev but also starts the node inspector on port 9229, so that you can attach a debugger (e.g., VSCode):npm start npm run dev npm run debug

starting up an EC2 instance

  1. Go to AWS Learner Lab, start it, then click on AWS Console.
  2. Click EC2
  3. Run ssh -i ~/.ssh/dps955-key-pair.pem ec2-user@[Public IPv4 DNS]
  4. Remember to stop the lab

Optional: update source code

  1. Run npm pack in fragments repo
  2. Run scp -i dps955-key-pair.pem fragments-0.0.1.tgz ec2-user@[id]:
  3. Connect to the EC2 instance and run tar -xvzf fragments-0.0.1.tgz


  1. Build an image with multiple tags: docker build -t roboticbeing/fragments:latest -t roboticbeing/fragments:lab-6 -t roboticbeing/fragments:90f9154 .
  2. Push all tags: docker push --all-tags roboticbeing/fragments
  3. Run container docker run --rm --name fragments --env-file env.jest -e LOG_LEVEL=debug -p 8080:8080 -d roboticbeing/fragments:latest

Optional: run container with terminal -> docker run --rm --init --it [tagname] bash

  1. To go inside the image: docker exec --it [id] bash
  2. Run docker kill [id]