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Weakly lift only calls from radare2 disassembly to LLVM IR

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Takes x86 targeted files that are readable by radare2 and generates a human readable LLVM IR file. This file can be llvm-as'd into a bitcode version. The only thing it does is add function declarations and, in the case of non-imported functions, adds any call instructions made in the function body. So, really this is only beneficial for doing call graph related tasks. Further, all the lifted functions are (currently) assumed to be void-returning and have no arguments. Whee. :-P This was all done for fun to learn a little bit about llvmlite and be able to re-use some tools I have written in C++.


I have only tested this with LLVM 4.0, radare2 from their repo (sept 12, 2017), and llvmir from same date. You will also need r2pipe. For what it's worth, I had issues with turning off demangling of function names, so I modified my local radare2 to have bin.demangle set to false by default.

The file I changed in radare2 to help with my demangle issue was:

$ cd radare2/libr/core
$ vi cconfig.c
change the line for bin.demangle from defaulting as true to default as false.
        SETPREF ("bin.demangle", "false", "Import demangled symbols from RBin");
...then build...

Example usage

This takes the inputs of two shared libraries (x86) and generates foo.ll file. Then, taking the human readable foo.ll file, use llvm-as to produce the binary bitcode IR version of it. Then, use llvm-dis to dump the created bitcode version's IR back to the human readable form. This shows that the generated foo.ll is usable with the 4.0 tools.

$ python --generate-llvm somelabel ../test/ ../test/ > foo.ll
$ llvm-as-4.0 -o foo_made.bc < foo.ll
$ llvm-dis-4.0 foo_made.ll
$ cat foo_made.ll
; ModuleID = 'foo_made.bc'
source_filename = "<stdin>"
target triple = "unknown-unknown-unknown"

define void @_ZNSt13bad_exceptionD2Ev() {
  call void @Unk_00006cc0()
  br label %.3

.3:                                               ; preds = %.2
  call void @_ZNSt9exceptionD1Ev()
  ret void

define void @CRYPTO_THREADID_get_callback() {
  call void @Unk_00117154()
  ret void

define void @POLICYINFO_free() {
  call void @Unk_0002be6b()
  br label %.3

.3:                                               ; preds = %.2
  call void @ASN1_item_free()
  ret void

define void @BIO_set_ex_data() {
  call void @Unk_0002be6b()
  br label %.3

.3:                                               ; preds = %.2
  call void @CRYPTO_set_ex_data()
  ret void

define void @_ZNSt15__exception_ptr13exception_ptrD2Ev() {
  call void @Unk_00006cc0()
  br label %.3

.3:                                               ; preds = %.2


Contact me (Andrew) if want to add more things. This was all done for fun and to have it so that I did not need to re-write some tools I had written in C++ as well as learn the basics of llvmlite.

Andrew R. Reiter


Weakly lift only calls from radare2 disassembly to LLVM IR







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