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Releases: rladstaetter/LogoRRR

Release 22.1.0

08 May 13:54
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Release Highlights

LogoRRR Screenshot

This release adds several improvements, most notably:

Fixed issues / Improvements

  • #81 Improve implementation of log visualisation
  • #84 Set icon for LogoRRR (windows)
  • #82 Change size of a log entry icon
  • #72 Search: Support hitting to trigger search instantly enhancement
  • #77 Case insensitive search enhancement
  • #74 Change default color in search dialogue to something else enhancement
  • #73 Improve display of line numbers enhancement
  • #63 previous installations of LogoRRR should be deinstalled if new version is installed (windows) bug
  • #68 Use GraalVM for compilation / native image enhancement
  • #69 Remove UPX for windows exe installation
  • #70 Update Build to GraalVM
  • #57 Update layout on for builds
  • #59 Installation on Windows requires admin privileges
  • #47 implement enforcer rule to check if graalvm is installed enhancement
  • #55 Remember divider position / screen layout between program executions / for each tab enhancement
  • #54 Remember last opened log file enhancement
  • #53 show line number in log file enhancement

Full Changelog: 21.4.0...22.1.0

Release 21.4.0

16 Jan 21:29
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Release Highlights

About Screen

New features, enhancements and bugfixes

#38 Include VS 2019 Redists

For Windows installations, necessary prerequisites are now installed prior to installing LogoRRR. With this feature LogoRRR installer makes another step towards a better user experience.

#39 Windows installer name

Starting with this release, the windows installer contains a version number.

#44 Short writeup of used technologies

A short explanation which technolgies are used to implement LogoRRR was added.

#41 Improves loading mechanism for log files

From 21.4.0 onwards LogoRRR is more resilient for loading logfiles with elements which don't adhere to Utf-8.

#46 memorize filters, application window position and log files between program executions

LogoRRR now saves its state and remembers which files were opened and which filters were defined. It also memorizes at which position LogoRRR was positioned last time, as well as application width and height. This comes in handy if you open always the same log files (on the same place for example).

#56 About Screen

Add an About screen for LogoRRR with links to the homepage, twitter, github and buymeacoffee page. It is planned to add more useful information in future releases. This was implemented during development of #13 and #12, but both of them didn't make it to this release.

LogoRRR (was) in the news ...

LogoRRR is now listed on jfx-central in the Download section - Read Dirk Lemmerman's announcement here! By the way, if you want to stay up to date concerning JavaFX news, you should definitely follow him and his jfx-central twitter profile. Thanks again Dirk!

Sponsor this project

This software is released as open source software - but maybe you want to sponsor this project? You can virtually buy me a coffee (or two) here. It would be very much appreciated!

General Information

Warning: Most probably your OS, your firewall or virus protection software will complain about this application not to be trusted or secure. At the moment you will have to live with it and ignore those warnings.

LogoRRR 21.3.2

05 Dec 19:49
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Release Highlights

Screenshot of LogoRRR Installer

Very much energy and time went into the improved installation experience on MacOsX. Sure, many things can be improved, most notably a listing in different app stores is in the backlog (#30, #29) - but right now it should be possible to install it with the given installer.

New features, enhancements and bugfixes

#37 JDK 17 Support

This release was built with JDK 17. In fact, we even used a JDK18 Nightly Build to create mac installers.

#9 repaint on resize

LogoRRR was made a little bit more responsive when dealing with more than one log file and a user resizes the application window.

#31 deinstall previous LogoRRR version on windows

The idea is to execute the installer of LogoRRR and old versions get deinstalled silently. This should work now for 21.3.1 or 21.3.0 versions.

In the future, also data migrations should happen either during installation or on the next run of LogoRRR itself.

#36 Improve application installer for Mac

LogoRRR Installer is now built for intel based macs and for M1 based Macs. The installer now has a better UI (Installation wizard). Still it is not notarized properly but it can be installed - albeit with warnings.

(You could help this project if you try the installer and report back any problems. Thank you!)

Sponsor this project

This software is released as open source software - but maybe you want to sponsor this project? You can virtually buy me a coffee (or two) here. It would be very much appreciated!

General Information

Warning: Most probably your OS, your firewall or virus protection software will complain about this application not to be trusted or secure. At the moment you will have to live with it, we are working on this.

On Windows, LogoRRR won't start if VS2019 Redistributables are not installed. This will be solved with Issue #38 .

LogoRRR 21.3.1

18 Jul 13:36
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New features

  • #23: improved contrast on welcome screen
  • #27: Mac Installer

Improved contrast on welcome screen

Screenshot of LogoRRR, showing 'drop files here' feature

For some configurations the text 'drop files here' was not readable. This should be considerably better now.

Mac Installer

Screenshot of LogoRRR, showing dmg installer

Great news for Mac Users, LogoRRR has now it's own installer. This enables also Mac Users to use LogoRRR without much hassle. Just download the provided dmg. Surely there are still warnings to ignore, but this will be the case until LogoRRR will be placed in the Apple App Store. With this enhancement we are one step closer to full end user capabilities!

Bugfixes / and or internal enhancements

  • #25: updates to several maven plugins

Sponsor this project

This software is released as open source software - but maybe you want to sponsor this project? You can virtually buy me a coffee (or two) here. It would be very much appreciated!

General Information

Warning: provided binaries below aren't digitally signed and your operating system will probably warn you about it.

LogoRRR 21.3.0

04 Jul 12:46
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Thank you!

I want to thank my first sponsor for this project, Mr @TheJeed for generously donating via my buymeacoffee page! Thank you very much!

Screenshot LogoRRR 21.3.0

Screenshot of LogoRRR, version 21.3.0

New features

Windows Installer 🥳

A great day for windows users, since LogoRRR now has its own windows installer, available from the downloads below. This enhances end user experience significantly.

This is the main feature of Release 21.3.0 and solves #11!


  • #10: several commits regarding build or code improvements
  • #16: upstream plugin changed name, updates build to use new version of build plugin

General Information

Starting with 21.3.0, LogoRRR uses github's "milestones" to see which issues are included in a release. For example, for this release see Milestone page 21.3.0. However, solved issues are cited here as well with some commentary to have everything in one place.

Warning: provided binaries aren't digitally signed and Windows / MacOsX will tell you LogoRRR is not trustworthy. See the main page readme for more information. If you build this software from sources those warnings won't appear.

LogoRRR 21.2.4

31 May 19:43
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Screenshot LogoRRR 21.2.4

Screenshot of LogoRRR, release 21.2.4


This time LogoRRR gets a bunch of new features and some bugfixes which improve usability a bit. The most obvious change is that LogoRRR now uses a more readable font. Secondly, the user can now copy a log line to the clipboard, which is quite handy. The third new feature is that a mouse click to the left gets a visual feedback. Like this it is easier to navigate through the log file.

Finally, a bug fix for displaying the current selected log entry in the footer if you change the selected item in the 'listview' section was also implemented.

New features

  • #5: copy text to clipboard
  • #6: Visual feedback when a log entry is selected
  • #7: Use a fixed width font for displaying log entries

Bugfixes et al

  • #4: updates footer correctly if a listview entry is selected
  • #8: Perform Release for 21.2.4

Implementation notes

LogoRRR now uses Github Issues to better track progress and development. By convention, Issue numbers should be referenced in git commits from now on.

General Information

A big shoutout goes to JetBrains for their high quality font Mono which is now used for LogoRRR. Did I mention that LogoRRR is made with IntelliJ, THE most awesome editor?

Warning: provided binaries aren't digitally signed and Windows / MacOsX will tell you LogoRRR is not trustworthy. See the main page readme for instructions how to solve this. If you build this software from sources those warnings won't appear.

LogoRRR 21.2.3

24 May 13:37
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This release is a maintenance release. No new features were introduced.

However, some work has been done to improve the visual appearance, most notably LogoRRR got a new icon. Furthermore, internal dependencies were updated to their latest versions, for example for GraalVM, client-maven-plugin and JavaFX.

Website and twitter account

I've decided to put this application on its own dedicated mini website: and thus moved all classes to the package hierarchy 'app.logorrr'. Also, I've created a twitter account which is thought to serve as a support and marketing channel. Like this my private twitter account won't be spammed any longer with release announcements.

General Information

Warning: provided binaries aren't digitally signed and Windows / MacOsX will tell you LogoRRR is not trustworthy. See the main page readme for instructions how to solve this. If you build this software from sources those warnings won't appear.

LogoRRR 21.2.2

12 Apr 18:18
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Unix 'tail -f' mode

LogoRRR now implements a unix tail like functionality. Unlike before, it tracks changes applied to the observed file, like you would expect
from a 'real' log viewer. Having this feature LogoRRR can now be used as a tool to track ongoing changes for an application, not just for analysing log events afterwards.

Exact match as default search strategy

Unlike in previous versions, this version introduces an 'exact match' search strategy, mainly because of performance considerations, but also since it may confuse the user if a case insensitive search is not expected. A user interface for changing search strategies is missing, but maybe also too much for the application.

Select entry via mouse click

From now on a log entry is selected via mouse click. This is far more user friendly. The idea is to support finding issues in a log file quickly via the color scheme, then click on the corresponding rectangle to see the details. The biggest drawback with the approach of following the mouse pointer is that the log entries were jumping around all the time, and it was difficult if not impossible to select a certain log entry. This is now far easier.

Implementation notes

  • Fixes some obvious performance regressions by reducing expensive 'repaint' calls.
  • Applies a small performance enhancement for displaying text (reduces amount of css calls)
  • fixes exception handling if an open file gets deleted
  • Removes some labels to reduce visual noise
  • Adds commons-io for implementing 'tail' functionality

LogoRRR 21.2.1

21 Mar 19:51
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This is a feature and bugfix release.


Custom filter functionality

This release adds the ability to filter for custom text strings in the given log file. There are preselected filters enabled, which search for "INFO", "TRACE", "SEVERE" or "WARN" in the log file. Those (and also custom ones a user creates) can be removed via a mouse click.

This feature enables searching for arbitrary text strings or to combine custom queries in a given log file.

Adds colored to filter toggle buttons

For a better visual feedback I've added colored rectangles to the filter buttons. Looks nicer, improves usabilty.

Update to Scala 2.13.5

LogoRRR now uses Scala 2.13.5.


A dependency from the time of the multimodule build - which was removed in a recent release - was still present in the main pom, effectively making the project non buildable for other interested parties. Which tells me that there was no other interested party which tried to compile the project.

Implementation notes

There are some performance regressions which will hopefully be fixed in one of the next releases.

LogoRRR 21.2.0

14 Mar 19:55
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Another feature release for javafx-logboard, now renamed to 'LogoRRR'.

Features / Enhancements

Rebranding to 'LogoRRR'

I decided to perform a rebranding to 'LogoRRR' due to various reasons - the most prominent one is that I wanted a shorter name. At least for me as a german speaking world citizen 'LogoRRR' sounds catchy. My brother made it up, I like it. After a short internet search I stumbled upon - as such, the name is sort of a joke since logs also tend to contain many words, most of them useless 😄

This also involves renaming all classes / paths / packages ...

Background image 'drop files here'

A background image explains that the main usecase (currently also the only one) is to provide logfiles via drag'n drop. Previously, this was in no way apparent (only to the author obviously) - but this is being changed now.

Support for command line parameters

Starting with this release, you can open log files via command line parameter. Either only one file or multiple files can be opened at once.

Support for 'Drag'n Drop multiple files' at once to LogoRRR

This release adds the ability to drop more than one file to LogoRRR via drag'n drop. For example, you could select a directory full of text files, select them all and drop them on LogoRRR. It will read them one after another and open new tabs for each one.

Performance Optimizations

This release also includes an optimised drawing strategy, which makes the application more responsive for larger log files.

JavaFX Update to 16

Starting with 21.2.0, LogoRRR uses the very recently released 'JavaFX 16' (previously early access versions of it).

Hint: On windows you'll need Windows Redistributables for Visual Studio 2019.

Implementation Notes

This release makes use of resources (background image) and as such it can be used as an example on how to setup maven / JavaFX / native-image configuration to achieve this. Furthermore it uses a profile based maven build, since reflection configuration slightly differs between platforms. Another interesting thing in this release is in my opinion how I improved performance in painting the rectangles - I changed from the obvious but slow approach to paint each pixel to a little bit more advanced technique by copying arrays - maybe worth of your attention...