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Sensors that Use GPIO and GPIO Pin Actuator

This module contains:


A polling sensor that reads temperature and humidity from a DHT11, DHT22, or AM2302 sensor wired to the GPIO pins.


This sensor uses the adaFruit CircuitPython libraries (adafruit-blinka, adafruit-circuitpython-dht), RPI.GPIO and libgpiod2.

cd /srv/sensorReporter
sudo ./ gpio


Parameter Required Restrictions Purpose
Class X gpio.dht_sensor.DhtSensor
Connections X Dictionary of connectors Defines where to publish the sensor status for each connection. This sensor has 2 outputs, see below. Look at connection readme's for 'Actuator / sensor relevant parameters' for details.
Level DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR Override the global log level and use another one for this sensor.
Poll X Positive number Refresh interval for the sensor in seconds.
Sensor X DHT11, DHT22, or AM2302 The type of the sensor.
Pin X GPIO data pin in BMC numbering.
TempUnit F or C Temperature unit to use, defaults to C.
Smoothing Boolean If True, publishes the average of the last five readings instead of each individual reading.


The DhtSensor has 2 outputs which can be configured within the 'Connections' section (Look at connection readme's for 'Actuator / sensor relevant parameters' for details).

Output Purpose
Temperature Where to publish the temperature. When using with the openHAB connection configure a number/string Item.
Humidity Where to publish the humidity. When using with the openHAB connection configure a number/string Item.

Configuration Example

    Syslog: yes
    Level: INFO

    Class: openhab_rest.rest_conn.OpenhabREST
    Name: openHAB
    URL: http://localhost:8080
    RefreshItem: Test_Refresh

    Class: gpio.dht_sensor.DhtSensor
                Item: temperature
                Item: humidity
    Poll: 2
    Sensor: AM2302
    Pin: 7
    TempUnit: F
    Smoothing: False
    Level: DEBUG


A sensor that can behave as either a polling sensor or a background sensor that reports the HIGH/LOW status of a GPIO pin. Additionally, the sensor can detect toggle events and report the time of the event to different locations depending on the event duration.


Depends on lgpio Python library. The user running sensor_reporter must be in the gpio group to have GPIO access. The user will also need read/write access to the sensorReporter root folder, the will set these permissions.

cd /srv/sensorReporter
sudo ./ gpio

For Debian 11 (bullseye) - Raspberry Pi OS (Legacy)

Older OS (with ldd --version < glibc 2.33) need to manually install the lgpio Python library. If the '' script was called with the 'gpio' parameter, manual removal of the incompatible lgpio version is required:

cd /srv/sensorReporter
bin/python -m pip uninstall lgpio

Then follow the installation instructions (Prerequisites and Download&Install) at:

Basic parameters

Parameter Required Restrictions Purpose
Class X gpio.rpi_gpio.RpiGpioSensor
Connections X Dictionary of connectors Defines where to publish the sensor status for each connection. This sensor has 3 outputs, see below. Look at connection readme's for 'Actuator / sensor relevant parameters' for details.
GpioChip X Positive integer Sets the GPIO-Chip to use. Use for Raspberry Pi 1 to 4 GpioChip: 0 and for Raspberry Pi 5 GpioChip: 4. To list GPIOs and Chips write in console: cat /sys/kernel/debug/gpio
Pin X GPIO pin Pin to use as sensor input, using the Broadcom pin numbering (GPIO Number).
Level DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR Override the global log level and use another one for this sensor.
Poll Positive decimal number The interval in seconds to check for a change of the pin state. If the new state is present for a shorter time then the specified time noting is reported. Can be used as debounce. When not defined EventDetection must be configured.
EventDetection BOTH When defined, Poll is ignored. Indicates which GPIO event to listen for in the background.
PUD UP / DOWN Sets the input pin to use either the pull-up or pull-down resistor. Defaults to "DOWN"

Advanced parameters

For a valid configuration the basic parameters marked as required are necessary, all advanced parameters are optional.

Parameter Required Restrictions Purpose
Values List of strings or dictionary Values to replace the default state message of the Switch output (default is OPEN, CLOSED). For details see below.
Short_Press-Threshold Decimal number Defines the lower bound of short button press event in seconds and the debounce when using event detection. Debounce will wait for a signal to be stable for half the time specified here. If the duration of the button press was shorter than this value no update will be send. Useful to ignore false detection of button press due to electrical interferences. (default is 0.002)
Long_Press-Threshold Decimal number Defines the lower bound of long button press event in seconds, if the duration of the button press was shorter a short button event will be triggered. Can be determinded via the sensor-reporter log when set on info level. If not defined all button press events will be treated as short press.
Btn_Pressed_State LOW or HIGH Sets the expected input level for short and long button press events. Set it to LOW if the input pin is connected to ground while the button is pressed (default is determined via PUD config value: PUD = UP will assume Btn_Pressed_State: LOW)

Values parameter

With this parameter the default state messages of the Switch output can be overwritten. Two different layouts are possible. To override the state message for all defined connections, configure a list of two string items:

    - 'ON'
    - 'OFF'

The fist string will be send if the input is HIGH, the second on LOW.

If separate state messages for each connection are desired, configure a dictionary of connection names containing the string Item list:

        - 'ON'
        - 'OFF'
        - 'high'
        - 'low'

If a configured connection is not present in the Values parameter it will use the sensor default state messages (OPEN, CLOSED).


The RpiGpioSensor has 3 outputs which can be configured within the Connections section (Look at connection readme's for 'Actuator / sensor relevant parameters' for details).

Output Purpose
Switch Where the OPEN/CLOSED messages are published. When using with the openHAB connection configure a contact/string Item.
ShortButtonPress Location to publish an update after a short button press happened. Which are two changes of the logic level at the selected pin (eg. LOW, HIGH, LOW) and the duration of the button press is between Short_Press-Threshold and Long_Press-Threshold. For the recommended setup see example config at the bottom of the page. When using with the openHAB connection configure a datetime/string Item.
LongButtonPress Location to publish an update after a long button press happened, requires Long_Press-Threshold. When using with the openHAB connection configure a datetime/string Item.

Configuration Example

    Syslog: yes
    Level: INFO

    Class: openhab_rest.rest_conn.OpenhabREST
    Name: openHAB
    URL: http://localhost:8080
    RefreshItem: Test_Refresh

    Class: gpio.rpi_gpio.RpiGpioSensor
                Item: back_door
                Item: back_door_short
                Item: back_door_long
    GpioChip: 0
    Pin: 17
    PUD: UP
    EventDetection: BOTH
    Long_Press-Threshold: 1.2

    Class: gpio.rpi_gpio.RpiGpioSensor
                Items: front_door
    Poll: 1
    GpioChip: 0
    Pin: 18
    PUD: UP
            - 'ON'
            - 'OFF'
    Level: DEBUG


Commands a GPIO pin to go high, low, or if configured with SimulateButton it goes high for half a second and then goes to low. A received command will be sent back on all configured connections to the configured return topic, to keep them up to date.


Depends on lgpio Python library. The user running sensor_reporter must be in the gpio group to have GPIO access. The user will also need read/write access to the sensorReporter root folder, the will set these permissions.

cd /srv/sensorReporter
sudo ./ gpio

For Debian 11 (bullseye) - Raspberry Pi OS (Legacy)

Older OS (with ldd --version < glibc 2.33) need to manually install the lgpio Python library. If the '' script was called with the 'gpio' parameter, manual removal of the incompatible lgpio version is required:

cd /srv/sensorReporter
bin/python -m pip uninstall lgpio

Then follow the installation instructions (Prerequisites and Download&Install) at:


Parameter Required Restrictions Purpose
Class X gpio.rpi_gpio.RpiGpioActuator
Connections X Dictionary of connectors Defines where to subscribe for messages and where to publish the status for each connection. Look at connection readme's for 'Actuator / sensor relevant parameters' for details.
GpioChip X Positive integer Sets the GPIO-Chip to use. Use for Raspberry Pi 1 to 4 GpioChip: 0 and for Raspberry Pi 5 GpioChip: 4. To list GPIOs and Chips write in console: cat /sys/kernel/debug/gpio
Pin X GPIO pin Pin to use as actuator output, using the Broadcom pin numbering (GPIO Number).
Level DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR Override the global log level and use another one for this sensor.
ToggleDebounce Decimal number The interval in seconds during which repeated toggle commands are ignored (default 0.15 seconds)
InitialState HIGH / LOW, (ON / OFF) Optional, initializes the pin to the given state. Ignores InvertOut. (ON = HIGH, default LOW)
SimulateButton Boolean When True simulates a button press by setting the pin to HIGH for half a second and then back to LOW. In case of InitalState ON it will toggle the other way around.
InvertOut Boolean Inverts the output when set to True. When inverted sending ON to the actuator will set the output to LOW, OFF will set the output to HIGH.

Outputs / Inputs

The RpiGpioActuator has only one output and input. The input expects ON, OFF, TOGGLE or a datetime string as command. While ON, OFF set the GPIO pin accordingly, TOGGLE and a datetime string will toggle the pin. Can be connected directly to a RpiGpioSensor ShortButtonPress / LongButtonPress output. The output will send the pin state as ON / OFF after a change. When using with the openHAB connection configure a switch/string Item.

Configuration Examples

    PinNumbering: BOARD

    Syslog: yes
    Level: INFO

    Class: openhab_rest.rest_conn.OpenhabREST
    Name: openHAB
    URL: http://localhost:8080
    RefreshItem: Test_Refresh

    Class: gpio.rpi_gpio.RpiGpioActuator
            Item: GarageDoorCmd
    GpioChip: 0
    Pin: 35
    InitialState: ON
    SimulateButton: True
    Level: DEBUG

Using a local connection to toggle an actuator, which is also connected to openHAB. The actuator shows always the correct status in openHAB, even if it is toggled locally.

    Syslog: yes
    Level: INFO

    Class: openhab_rest.rest_conn.OpenhabREST
    Name: openHAB
    URL: http://localhost:8080
    RefreshItem: Test_Refresh

    Class: local.local_conn.LocalConnection
    Name: local

    Class: gpio.rpi_gpio.RpiGpioSensor
                StateDest: toggle_garage_light
    GpioChip: 0
    Pin: 17
    PUD: UP
    EventDetection: BOTH
    Btn_Pressed_State: HIGH

    Class: gpio.rpi_gpio.RpiGpioActuator
            CommandSrc: toggle_garage_light
            Item: garage_light
    GpioChip: 0
    Pin: 19

Circuit diagram



Commands 1, 3 or 4 GPIO pins to control a white, RGB or RGBW LED via software PWM. A received command will be sent back on all configured connections to the configured return topic, to keep them up to date.


Depends on lgpio Python library. The user running sensor_reporter must be in the gpio group to have GPIO access. The user will also need read/write access to the sensorReporter root folder, the will set these permissions.

cd /srv/sensorReporter
sudo ./ gpio

For Debian 11 (bullseye) - Raspberry Pi OS (Legacy)

Older OS (with ldd --version < glibc 2.33) need to manually install the lgpio Python library. If the '' script was called with the 'gpio' parameter, manual removal of the incompatible lgpio version is required:

cd /srv/sensorReporter
bin/python -m pip uninstall lgpio

Then follow the installation instructions (Prerequisites and Download&Install) at:


Parameter Required Restrictions Purpose
Class X gpio.gpio_led.GpioColorLED
Connections X Dictionary of connectors Defines where to subscribe for messages and where to publish the status for each connection. Look at connection readme's for 'Actuator / sensor relevant parameters' for details.
GpioChip X Positive integer Sets the GPIO-Chip to use. Use for Raspberry Pi 1 to 4 GpioChip: 0 and for Raspberry Pi 5 GpioChip: 4. To list GPIOs and Chips write in console: cat /sys/kernel/debug/gpio
Pin X Dictionary of GPIO pin's Pin to use as PWM output. Use sub parameter Red, Green, Blue, White, using the Broadcom pin numbering (GPIO Number). It is not necessary to define pin's for all colors.
Level DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR When provided, sets the logging level for the sensor.
InitialState Dictionary of values 0-100 Optional, will set the PWM duty cycle for the color (0 = off, 100 = on, full brightness). Use the sub parameter Red, Green, Blue, White (default RGBW = 0)
InvertOut Boolean Use True for common anode LED (default setting). Otherwise use False
PWM-Frequency Number Sets the PWM frequency in Hz (default 100 Hz)
ToggleDebounce Decimal number The interval in seconds during which repeated toggle commands are ignored. (default 0.15 seconds)

Outputs / Inputs

The GpioColorLED has only one output and input. The input expects 3 comma separated values as command. The values will set the LED color in HSV color space h,s,v, e.g. 240,100,100. If the white pin is configured and the second value (saturation) = 0 then only the white LED will shine. If only the white channel is configured one value (0-100) is sufficient as input. The output will replay the LED color state in the same format.

The GpioColorLED also accepts ON, OFF, TOGGLE or a datetime string as a command. While ON, OFF will set the brightness to 100% or 0% respectively, TOGGLE and a datetime string will toggle the brightness to the last state.

Can be connected directly to a RpiGpioSensor ShortButtonPress / LongButtonPress output. When using with the openHAB connection configure a color item. If only the white channel is configured use a dimmer item in openHAB.

Example Config

    Syslog: yes
    Level: INFO

    Class: openhab_rest.rest_conn.OpenhabREST
    Name: openHAB
    URL: http://localhost:8080
    RefreshItem: Test_Refresh
    Class: gpio.gpio_led.GpioColorLED
    GpioChip: 0
        Red: 5
        Blue: 13
        Green: 6
        White: 7
        White: 100
            Item: eg_w_color_led
    Level: DEBUG