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Quickstart vim to use customized functionality for golang


go get -d
make install

Use make install to generate a new .vimrc file and automatically install packages from this tutorial and will also install go-def.

Updating from this repo's custom vimrc

The custom vimrc file can be manually changed from this repo and updated in ~/.vimrc with the following command:

make update
Updating the custom vimrc from existing vimrc

As a reverse from the above command, the ~/.vimrc can update this repo's local vimrc with

make pull 

What's Included

  • Implementation of .vimrc for a number of pluggins from Setup VIM for Go development
    • Pathogen
    • VIM-GO
    • neocomplete (commented out in .vimrc, requires VIM with Lua)
    • molokai theme
    • tagbar
    • nerdtree
  • Implementation of vim-godef to open definitions in new tab
  • Custom functions for
    • Swap lines up and down (Credit: this stackflow thread)
    • Move selection horizontally within line
    • Insert a duplicate line to a new line below
    • Remove the current line
    • Navigate vim tabs
    • comment/uncomment visual mode selected lines
    • quick find replace of word under cursor
    • open function definition in a new tab
    • Spellcheck shortcuts
    • Open all .go/.md files as tabs
  • Implementation of golint

Custom Functions Mapped Keys

Command Mode Function
Ctrl-Shift-Up normal Navigate pane up
Ctrl-Shift-Down normal Navigate pane down
Ctrl-Shift-Left normal Navigate pane left
Ctrl-Shift-Right normal Navigate pane right
Ctrl-k any Swap current line and above line
Ctrl-j any Swap current line and lower line
Ctrl-h any Delete the current line entirely
Ctrl-l any Duplicate the current line to a new line below
Ctrl-u any Navigate vim tab left
Ctrl-i any Navigate vim tab right
Ctrl-o normal Move vim tab left
Ctrl-p normal Move vim tab right
Ctrl-d normal vim-multi-cursors next
Ctrl-s normal vim-multi-cursors previous
Ctrl-x normal vim-multi-cursors skip
Ctrl-g normal copy the current word to the word on the position directly 1 row down
Ctrl-n normal open or close nerd tree navigation
Shift-n normal navigate to or from the nerd tree tab (split pane movement left/right)
dup normal duplicate the current block
cut normal cut the current block
copy visual copy the current selection to the clipboard for Mac OS
git normal open current line in
- normal navigate to a specific character with easy-motion
:let fmt ="foo" normal set default content of the fmt command (defined next)
fmt normal insert cursor variable debug line
fmp normal insert cursor variable debug panic
fmp normal insert cursor variable breakpoint
\json normal adds json snippet for golang struct when hovered over field
\camel normal convert word from camel to underscore case
\test normal construct and open a go test function for the function name under the cursor
\debugs normal add debugs print lines after each { and }
\rmdebugs normal remove debug print lines
\err normal insert a on next line with if err != nil { return err }
com normal insert a on previous line the comment: // cursorsword -
\s normal setup a quick find replace for the whole document of the given cursor word
\s visual setup a quick find replace for the whole document of the selected text
\S normal setup a global find replace in the current directory using multitool
:O any Open all .go and .md files recursively as tabs, excluding vendor
:T any Open a new tab and toggle the NERD tree to on
:Q any Close all the current tab
:HL any enable highlighted search
:NHL any disable highlighted search
:Wrap any toggle vim line wrapping
:WB any opens a new tab with a wb named vim
:W :Wq :WQ any :w or :wq
:WQA :Wqa :WQA any :wqa
:QQQ any Close all tabs to the right of the current tab
:SC any Starts the spell check
:SCE any Ends the spell check
:Where any Echo the directory of the file currently being viewed
F normal Format all
\d normal open get definition in new tab from vim-godef
< visual shift all selected text one character left
> visual shift all selected text one character right
// visual add comments to the beginnings of each line
?? visual remove comments to the beginnings of each line
:GoTests visual generate test for function in current line or functions in text selected
:'<,'>SetWidth [cols] visual make sure at least [cols] whitespace characters exist in each selected line
:Install normal Open a scratch tab with the results from make install
:Test normal Open a scratch tab with the results from make test
:Make normal Open a scratch tab with the results from make <arg>
:Go normal Open a scratch tab with the results from go <arg>
rrr normal quick install refresh, if in the [makeinstall] tab will run :Install
:Ag [tofind] normal Open a scratch tab with the results from Ag [tofind]
\a normal Same as above command for word under the cursor
\f normal open file under cursor in new tab at the line number (ex filename:lineno)
\new normal create NewYourStruct function when highlighted over struct def name
\fo normal create new function of the highlighted over struct def name
\time normal insert current date and timestamp at cursor
Reload normal Reload vim with all the same junk
gf normal go to the file at the line number of the path under the cursor
\gf normal copy the full path to the file for a regular fail message, then gf
:Romeo visual remove every other line in selection
:Open normal open a given link under the cursor in your browser
ctrl-E insert evaluate the expression touching the cursor position


Command Mode Function
dd normal delete whole line
D normal delete from cursor to end of line
d0 normal delete from cursor to beginning of line
cd normal delete word


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


quickstart-vim-go is released under the Apache 2.0 license.