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Feels is a web app that allows users to track their shifting moods. Users can see past mood logs and get insights into their past moods.


Feels is built in Next.js and deployed to Vercel. Data is stored on MongoDB. Google OAuth is used for signing in.

Running Locally

git clone
npm i
npm run dev

Why I made it

While reading about affect labeling, I learned how beneficial it can be for people to put their feelings into words. I decided to make a web app to ask users 2 simple questions:

  • What are you feeling?
  • What are you doing?

This may seem pedantic, but I chose what over how because what cues the user to think nonjudgmentally about their own moods, whereas how asks them to assign a value of good-bad to it.

Personally, I've found great benefit from using feels and my users have told me the same. If curious, give it a try!


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