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To build voice interface objects


  1. get_started_with_respeaker get_started_with_respeaker Public

    This is the wiki of ReSpeaker Core V2, ReSpeaker Core and ReSpeaker Mic Array.

    Python 257 82

  2. respeaker_python_library respeaker_python_library Public

    To build voice enabled objects/applications with Python and ReSpeaker

    Python 145 72

  3. avs avs Public

    python implementation of alexa voice service app, 支持DuerOS

    Python 195 63

  4. seeed-voicecard seeed-voicecard Public

    2 Mic Hat, 4 Mic Array, 6-Mic Circular Array Kit, and 4-Mic Linear Array Kit for Raspberry Pi

    C 465 282

  5. respeakerd respeakerd Public

    respeakerd is the server application for the microphone array solutions of SEEED, based on librespeaker which combines the audio front-end processing algorithms.

    C++ 52 23

  6. axol_system_image_changelog axol_system_image_changelog Public

    ReSpeaker Core v2 image changelog, TODO and collecting issues.



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