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Living Documentation

This is an example of living documentation, shown as static html and a jekyll site in the docs folder.

Static Files Solution

To see the example live, go to This solution will add a dropdown with links to one or more static pages (not using Jekyll, and anywhere like Github pages that has a web server). To deploy these docs for your own site, do the following:

  1. Clone the repository git clone
  2. Copy the content of docs/no-jekyll and place in your own docs folder
  3. Add the style and css files to each page you want rendered
  4. Push to Github to add the content, and of course write some docs!
  5. Make sure to enable Github Pages for the docs folder.

The static content that you include will have a snippet that looks like this:

<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src="living-doc.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="living-doc.css">

And at the top of the file living-doc.js make sure to edit the variable with your Github url:

var github = ""

Jekyll Solution

To see the jekyll solution, browse to This is a very simple site that has minimal configuration, so we just use a global Github pages theme. This is in the _config.yaml, and you should edit these fields appropriately:

title: "Living Documentation"
description: docs with easy to click edit buttons
theme: jekyll-theme-minimal

And then in each page that you want to render the dropdown helpers, add the following:

{% include editable.html %}

This referes to a file called _includes/editable.html. You can do the same as above with respect to cloning and copying files, but do so for the content of docs and feel free to ignore the docs/no-jekyll folder.


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