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local info blog scraper

This script will take a specific google spreadsheet and generate the configuration file needed by ag.js to display blog articles in the local info pop-up of SRP pages


The developer running this will need to have a google developer console account and correctly setup a Service account. The google-spreadsheet module has an entire runthrough in their docs.

The end result is a JSON file that you will point to with the -c | --credentials command

A very important step is that you will have to invite the lengthy google services account email address to the spreadsheet. If you don't do this step, you will get an authentication error.

The services account used to run the script: e.g. will be required to have read/write access to the document

Google Sheet ID

This is the long alphanumeric identifier from the URL of the spreadsheet doc


The output file from this script is a javascript file meant to be used replace the LOCAL_ARTICLES export from src/config/blog.ts in the ag.js project.

Image Cache

There is a file image-cache in this repository. DO NOT DELETE. This file contains Cloudinary id's based on base64 encodings of the image URLs. This will ensure that we don't generate unessesary images and allows us to run this script at will multiple times.

Command Help

node version: 14.16.0

yarn install
node process-sheet.js -s GoogleSheetId -c ./credentials.json


  • Replace GoogleSheetId with the long alphanumeric identifier from url of spreadsheet doc.
  • ./credentials.json will be the json file received by correctly setting up the service account from google developer console account.
./process-sheet.js -h


  -c, --credentials <file>  JSON Credentials File from Google
  -s, --sheet <id>          Google spreadsheet ID number
  -o, --output <file.js>    Javascript file Results Output (default: "./output.js")
  -v, --verbose             Print output to screen
  --cloudinary <url>        Rentpath API to generate cloudinary imageId (default:
  -h, --help                display help for command


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