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Welcome to the Better Call Saul API! This API, powered by NestJS, allows you to access information about the characters, quotes, and episodes from the popular television series Better Call Saul. You can retrieve all items for each category or access specific elements by their ID.


  1. Characters

    • /api/characters: Returns all characters.
    • /api/characters/:id: Returns the character with the specified ID.

    • /api/quotes: Returns all quotes.
    • /api/quotes/:id: Returns the quote with the specified ID.
  3. Episodes

    • /api/episodes: Returns all episodes.
    • /api/episodes/:id: Returns the episode with the specified ID.

How to Use

To use this API, make HTTP requests to the desired endpoints using the appropriate HTTP method (e.g., GET). Here's an example using cURL:

# Get all characters
curl -X GET

# Get a specific character by ID
curl -X GET

# Get all quotes
curl -X GET

# Get a specific quote by ID
curl -X GET

# Get all episodes
curl -X GET

# Get a specific episode by ID
curl -X GET

Response Format

The API will respond with JSON objects containing the requested data. Here's an example response for retrieving a character by ID:

  "id": 123,
  "name": "Saul Goodman",
  "occupation": "Lawyer",
  "status": "Alive",
  "appearance": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
  "nickname": "Jimmy McGill"
  // Additional character properties...

Please note that the response will vary depending on the endpoint and the specific item being requested.

Enjoy exploring the Better Call Saul API and have a great time discovering information about your favorite characters, quotes, and episodes!