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Web Terminal Exec

Web Terminal Exec is a component of Web Terminal Operator that enables OpenShift clusters to inject a user's kubeconfig into a running container, allowing for automatic login when using pods/exec. It is intended to run as a container within the context of a Web Terminal Operator installation in an OpenShift cluster.


The Web Terminal Exec serves three endpoints

method path body response auth required?
GET /healthz N/A HTTP 200 No
POST /activity/tick N/A HTTP 204 Yes
POST /exec/init JSON HTTP 200 + JSON Yes

The /exec/init endpoint accepts the following JSON:

  // Optional container name to inject kubeconfig into; by default search for a suitable container
  "containerName": "<CONTAINER_NAME>",
  "kubeconfig": {
    // Namespace for current context in kubeconfig; optional and unset in kubeconfig if not specified
    "namespace": "<NAMESPACE>",
    // Username for the current user; set to 'Developer' if not specified
    "username": "<USERNAME>"

The /exec/init endpoint responds with JSON containing the information necessary to open a terminal session in the container it injected the kubeconfig into:

  // Name of pod in specified namespace
  "pod": "<POD_NAME>",
  // Name of detected container in specified namespace
  "container": "<CONTAINER_NAME>",
  // Detected default shell command (e.g. ["/bin/bash"])
  "cmd": ["<COMMAND>..."]

This can be consumed in a kubectl command as follows:

kubectl exec -it <POD_NAME> <CONTAINER_NAME> -- <COMMAND>...


Endpoints that require authentication expect a user's OpenShift token to be passed in a X-Access-Token or X-Forwarded-Access-Token header on the request. This token is used to

  1. Verify that the user making the request is the authorized user for the current terminal
  2. Execute the pods/exec API call that interacts with the container into which kubeconfig is being injected (if applicable)

If a token is not provided or does not match what is expected, the server returns HTTP 401

Commandline options

  --authenticated-user-id string
      OpenShift user's ID that should has access to API. Must be set.
  --idle-timeout duration
      IdleTimeout is a inactivity period after which workspace should be stopped. Use '-1' to disable idle timeout.
      Examples: -1, 30s, 15m, 1h (default 5m0s)
  --pod-selector string
      Selector that is used to find workspace pod. (default${DEVWORKSPACE_ID})
  --stop-retry-period duration
      StopRetryPeriod is a period after which workspace should be tried to stop if the previous try failed.
      Examples: 30s (default 10s)
  --url string
      Host:Port address for the Web Terminal Exec server. (default ":4444")


The Web Terminal Exec component is intended to only run within an OpenShift cluster in the context of a Web Terminal Operator installation. To test builds of Web Terminal Exec in an OpenShift cluster, edit the web-terminal-exec DevWorkspaceTemplate created by the Web Terminal Operator to use the in-development image. Alternatively, individual Web Terminal instances can be edited to use a custom image for testing. Running locally or in isolation (i.e. without the Web Terminal Operator installed) is not currently supported.

This repository contains a Makefile to simplify development of Web Terminal Exec. The following environment variables can be set to configure behavior:

  • DOCKER: configure container build tool to use for building container images. Default is podman.
  • WEB_TERMINAL_EXEC_IMG: Configure image name and tag for container builds. Default is
Rule Purpose
help List available rules
fmt Format all Go code. Requires go-imports
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check_fmt Check if all files are formatted and contain appropriate license headers
test Run Go tests and generate cover.out
vet Run go vet on all files
docker Build and push container image
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docker-push Push container image
compile Build binary locally