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Tinkering with Playwright and exploring TypeScript. These tests run in my main repo ( on PR/Push in a GitHub Actions workflow.



Repository files navigation

Playwright Test Automation Project


This project was created to explore Playwright and compare its capabilities with Cypress for test automation.


The scripts in this repository are designed to be executed within a GitHub Actions workflow that resides in my main repository. When a pull request or commit occurs in the main repository, the following workflow is triggered:

  1. A local Node.js server is started within the GitHub runner environment.
  2. Playwright scripts, located in this repository, execute tests against the locally hosted web application.


The main entry point for the Playwright scripts is located in scripts/navigation.ts. By default, these scripts are configured to interact with a local server running at http://localhost:3000.

NOTE! If you try to run these scripts on your computer they will fail because there is no local server running and the files for the website exist in a different repo. If you want to run these tests, it's easiest to just swap the localHost variable for production in the navigation.ts script. This will allow you to run these tests against the live site. Otherwise, you would need to also clone my main repo, open both repos in VSCode, start the server, and then run the tests.


Feel free to contribute to this project by forking the repo and creating and submitting a pull request.


Tinkering with Playwright and exploring TypeScript. These tests run in my main repo ( on PR/Push in a GitHub Actions workflow.





