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Releases: rdkcentral/Thunder

Wait for the WebSocket to be open (i.s.o. the TCP connection)

31 Jul 15:37
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Now the SmartLinkType<> waits till the WebSocket included the upgrade exchange before reporting that it is open.

In the past the Open would already return if the TCP connection was established, however, the socket is than not yet fully open, it first has to request the upgrade. If, before the socket was fully opened, the first messages where to be exchanged, they got lost.


25 Jul 13:08
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In R2, the LinkType<> template to communicate with Thunder over JSONRPC, used a maxium timeout of 100ms to wait for the channel to open before to continue. This was set to 0ms as the assumption was that the SmartLinkType would be used for this purpose and the SmartLinkType waits for the Opened Event before submitting notifications/invokes.

However some application still use theLinkType<> and expect the Channel to be open after the construction (trickey, not advised but it is code out there). Restored the waittime now to at least 1S.

Bug fixes on R2

26 Jul 17:53
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Bug fixes on R2 Pre-release

Minor bug fixes on R2-v1.6
Introduction of Unavailable state

Bug fixes on R2

24 May 06:26
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Bug fixes on R2 Pre-release

Major focus of this release is verbosity. Try to report as much as possible if exceptional shutdowns occure.

Minor bug fixes on R2

23 Mar 16:09
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Minor bug fixes on R2-v1.4

Minor bug fixes on R2

05 Mar 13:44
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Minor bug fixes on R2-1.3

Minor bug fixes on R2

02 Feb 13:40
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See commit log for changes.

Fixes on R2

18 Jan 09:20
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Fixes on R2 Pre-release

This is a maintenance release that has no new functionality but has several fixes found during integration testing at a customer site.

Bug fixes

16 Dec 15:01
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Bug fixes Pre-release

Bug fixes and minor changes.

  1. JSON parsing now supports larger messages than 64K
  2. JSON Variant parsing now allows for
  3. Process names spawned by WPEProcess will be associated with a subname equal to the callsign.

R2 v1.0- Release

10 Dec 08:51
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Functional Testing of R2 was performed and no Blockers were reported.
Only outstanding issue is related to Netflix playback which is being investigated.
Here is the summary of our testing :

Successfully launched and validated Thunder along with various plugins

Playready protected content and Cobalt playback was successful

Test Scope:

Focussed testing on various plugins available in Thunder including Cobalt and Netflix.

Stability testing of Thunder was out of scope.

Please find the attached detailed test report