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Ramnath Vaidyanathan edited this page May 8, 2013 · 2 revisions

rCharts tries to make it really easy to share a chart you create, either as a standalone visualization, or as a part of a blog page or web application.


The show method is used to view the chart as a standalone page. It takes three arguments. By default, static = T and cdn = F, while chartId is randomly assigned.

static  logical. display static html or open a webserver
chartId character. id of dom element containing the chart.
cdn     logical. serve js and css assets from cdn


The save method is used to save the chart as a standalone page. It accepts three arguments. By default, cdn = F and the chart is saved to index.html in the current working directory.

destfile character. path to file to save the page to.
chartId  character. id of dom element containing the chart.
cdn      logical. serve js and css assets from cdn


The publish method is used to publish the chart online. It takes three arguments.

description character. description of the chart.
...         arguments passed to the host-specific publish function.
host        character. name of service to publish to. currently takes gist or rpubs.

The default is to publish the chart as a gist, and you will need to set the options, github.username and github.password. In addition to the description, you can also set public = F if you want the created gist to be private. The alternate is to publish the chart to rpubs, which requires no additional configuration. In both cases, the publish method will return a url where the chart can be viewed.