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Tutorials for BIA CCTB644


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Notes regarding these tutorials

The tutorials are intended to walk you through the code required to execute the various techniques for machine learning. Each step is outlined with an explanation of the code, an image of the code, and a cell for you to type and run the code. You must run each cell in the order provided for the code to execute properly.

Tutorial Goals

The purpose of these tutorials is to provide hands-on experience executing code, as well as providing an environment where you can explore the code and experience the results as the code is run. Take as much time as you need to complete the tutorials in the order indicated.

The environment you are working in is your own sandbox. Feel free to comment out the successful code you've run and try some variations on the code to explore some of the options. It's ok to get errors. It's ok to try out different things to see what you can do.

Aim for understanding, not speed

Completing quickly is not the same as completing with understanding. Focus on understanding what the tutorial is explaining, not on running code as fast as you can. The sequence of the tutorials is designed to guide your learning, so focus on learning each one before moving to the next one.

Errors are not bad!

Remember that error messages are not bad, they are there to help you fix your code. If you get an error, read the message and then review your code to see what needs to be fixed.


Python introduction tutorials for CCTB644







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