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This cookbook contains LWRPs and HWRPs for handling optional common configuration of the JVM. The LWRPs and/or libraries in this cookbook should be referenced from recipes that run after the installation and configuration of Java via the cookbook at


java_certificate LWRP

This cookbook contains the java_certificate LWRP which simplifies adding certificates to a java keystore. It can also populate the keystore with a certificate retrieved from a given SSL end-point. It defaults to the default keystore <java_home>/jre/lib/security/cacerts with the default password if a specific keystore is not provided.


  • :install: installs a certificate.
  • :remove: removes a certificate.

Attribute Parameters

  • cert_alias: The alias of the certificate in the keystore. This defaults to the name of the resource.

Optional parameters:

  • java_home: the java home directory. Defaults to node['java']['java_home'].
  • keystore_path: the keystore path. Defaults to node['java']['java_home']/jre/lib/security/cacerts.
  • keystore_passwd: the keystore password. Defaults to 'changeit' as specified by the Java Documentation.
  • server_name: server name to use for the SNI header (openssl s_client parameter -servername).

Only one of the following

  • cert_data: the certificate data to install
  • cert_file: path to a certificate file to install
  • ssl_endpoint: an SSL end-point from which to download the certificate


Simple example:

java_certificate 'Install LDAP server certificate to Java CA keystore for Jenkins' do
  cert_alias node['jenkins']['ldap']['url'][/\/\/(.*)/, 1]
  ssl_endpoint node['jenkins']['ldap']['url']
  action :install
  notifies :restart, 'runit_service[jenkins]', :delayed

SNI (Server Name Indication) support example:

java_certificate 'Install Self Signed server certificate with SNI Support' do
  cert_alias ''
  ssl_endpoint ''
  server_name ''
  action :install