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NIST's Meaningful Use Validator tweaked for programmatic usage


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Meaningful Use Validator based on NIST’s own.


NIST’s Meaningful Use Validator is great to check if your CCDs are valid. However it runs as as a Command Line Utility that outputs XML. If you want to make validation part of your unit tests, you need it to be callable from code. This project aims to do just that. NIST made its code available here. Also they consider their code to be public domain. That makes it possible for this project to exist. I am thankful for that.


This supports the legacy CLI usage as well as programmatic usage

CLI Usage

Download the jar from here

Then use it

java -jar muval-all.jar -input sampleCCD.xml -output result.xml

Programmatic usage

Import the dependency using maven, gradle, sbt, leingen or ivy. Example below is for gradle. Look up instructions for your build tool from this badge.

badge GitHub commits since latest release (by date) for a branch

dependencies {
    // ...
    compile 'com.github.rahulsom:muval:<VERSION>'

Then use it in your code. This example is a Spock Specification. You could use it in test or production code.

import spock.lang.Specification

import static*
import static

class MyCcdSpec extends Specification {

    private InputStream file(String resourceName) {

    def "sample ccd should validate"() {
        when: "I validate a CCD"
        def result = validate(Cdar2c32, file('SampleCCDDocument.xml'), Ccd, Cda4Cdt, C32_v_2_5_c83_2_0)

        then: "There are 50 errors and 98 issues"
        result.allIssues.size() == 98
        result.errors.size() == 50


Updating Schema and Schematron files

The downloadResources task will do the job. You need to delete the nist directory before that.

./gradlew downloadResources

If you run into network problems, you may rerun that command.


Please feel free to raise Issues with test cases or send Pull Requests. This uses the github issue tracker.