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Releases: rahuldkjain/github-profile-readme-generator

GPRG v1.2.0

04 Dec 11:50
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Updates in this release:

  1. New Addon: GitHub Streak Stats
  2. New Section: Support (Buy Me a Coffee button)
  3. Code Optimization

GPRG v1.1.10

08 Oct 17:30
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The features, enhancements, and bug fixes for the release are:

  1. [feature]: Visitors-Count Badge Customisation
  2. [enhancement]: GFG, HackerEarth username validations
  3. [feature]: Twitter Badge
  4. [bug]: ESLint Warnings
  5. [enhancements]: new skills addition like adobe xd, Arduino, etc.
  6. [enhancement]: Game Engines Category in skills
  7. [enhancement]: new static site generators in skills
  8. [enhancement]: Resume Field
  9. [enhancement]: Twitter Username Validation
  10. [enhancement]: new footer

stable gprg

24 Sep 07:03
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The stable release of GitHub Profile README Generator