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Sheet Bottom Picker

Picker form bottom you can find datePicker or any item picker, or you can add view what you want like table view or collectioncView or what ever you want of custom view.

you can used in both way by delegate or block to listen to result selection.

Also it work with automatic size for landscape and portrait for iphone and ipad For custome view you full controll hieght, and it automatic adjust in center of screen.

You can find it in Appetize


Add blow for your pod file

pod 'ChtarBottomSheet' 
run pod update

###Getting Started

A step by step series of examples that tell you have to get a development env running

Say what the step will be

import ChtarBottomSheet

1- date picker

    ///first declare 
         SheetPicker.init(datePickerWithBlock: "Done", mode: .dateAndTime, local: .init(identifier: "en")) { (date) in
         SheetPicker.init(datePickerWithBlock: "Done", mode: .dateAndTime, local: .init(identifier: "en"), onCompletion: {         (date) in
        }) { (date) in
        /// you can use it with delegate conform to  SheetPickerDateDelegate
        SheetPicker.init(datePickerWithDelegate: "ok", mode: .time, local: Locale.init(identifier: "ar"), delegate: self)

2- normal picker with any data Type

        SheetPicker.init(sheetPickerWithdblock: "Done", dataSource: [1,2,3]) { (index) in


         SheetPicker.init(sheetPickerWithdblock: "Done", dataSource: [], onCompletion: { (index) in
        }) { (index) in

        /// or use it with delegate 
         SheetPicker.init(sheetPickerWithdelegate: "Done", delegate: <#T##SheetPickerDelegate#>, dataSource: ["male","female"])

2- for use any custome view inside it

  let bundle = Bundle(for: type(of: self))
     let nib = UINib(nibName: "TableView", bundle: bundle)
     let view = nib.instantiate(withOwner: self, options: nil)[0] as! TableViewTest
     let cellNib = UINib(nibName: "TableCell", bundle: nil)
     view.tableViewData.register(cellNib, forCellReuseIdentifier: "cellTableID")
      view.tableViewData.delegate = myPresenter
      view.tableViewData.dataSource = myPresenter
      view.layer.cornerRadius = 12
     // custome piker
    var  customePicker =  SheetPicker.init(CustomePickerWithdblock: "hhh", customView: view,height : 300)
            SheetPicker.init(CustomePickerWithView: view, height: 200  , didShow: {       
            print("heelo ")
            }) {            

you should get like this result for ipad and iphone for both orintation


Screenshot Screenshot


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