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RabbitMQ Management Exchange Type

This plugin provides a (slightly hackish) mechanism for making requests to the RabbitMQ Management API while talking AMQP. In essence, it allows you to publish messages to a special exchange type, which then makes an HTTP request to localhost, and publishes the response to a reply queue.

It currently has one notable limitation: the user name and password for the HTTP request are taken from your configuration file rather than the AMQP connection. If there is sufficient interest in this plugin, we'll work to remove this limitation.


Install the corresponding .ez files from our Community Plugins page.

After installing, enable it with the following command:

rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management_exchange


Declare an exchange of type x-management. Declare a reply queue (of any name). Then publish requests to your new exchange. The exchange will accept the requests and publish responses to your reply queue.

The format of a request message is:

  • Query path (e.g. "/overview") in the routing key.
  • Reply queue name in the 'reply_to' property.
  • HTTP method (e.g. "GET") in the 'type' property.
  • JSON body (if there is one) in the message payload.

The format of a reply message is:

  • Reply queue name in the routing key.
  • HTTP response code (e.g. "200") in the 'type' property.
  • JSON response (if there is one) in the message payload.

If you set a correlation-id in the request, it will be preserved in the response.

Since the exchange accepts requests itself it does not need to be bound to any queue (and indeed it's an error to do so). This means that if you publish to the exchange with "mandatory" set, your message will be returned as unrouted - since it did not go to any queue.


It is possible to configure the plugin to use a non-default user to authenticate HTTP API requests:

  {rabbitmq_management_exchange, [{username, "my-username"},
                                  {password, "my-password"}]}

If the above section is skipped, guest/guest will be used.

See RabbitMQ configuration guide for details.


There is a usage example using the Java client in examples/java. See also the test/src directory for a simple test using the Erlang client.

Building from Source

Build it like any other plugin. See Plugin Development.

Creating a Release

  1. Update broker_version_requirements in helpers.bzl & Makefile (Optional)
  2. Update the plugin version in MODULE.bazel
  3. Push a tag (i.e. v3.12.0) with the matching version
  4. Allow the Release workflow to run and create a draft release
  5. Review and publish the release