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This repository is an abstraction implemented on top of Axum with Tokio interacting with implementations of traits which seperate commands and query paths apart. It also gives the possibility to integrate with external programs via an implementation on top of RabbitMQ. Still in active development, might be broken at any time.


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About The Project

This is a side project, which should serve as a general backend which handles basic stuff a server should do.

The Idea

The idea is that this backend should cover the main functionality and handle MessageQueue communication with 'external' Services which get the request params / POST body by MessageQueue.
The main goal of this is to decouple the main app from "Plugin" functionality and make it as generic as possible so it can
easily handle different other programming languages/project structures while still serving for the main critical tasks by itself.

Implemented with the help of
Rust RabbitMQ GitHub Linux



Run the docker containers, and make sure you provide the .env file in the main project directory using the command:
docker compose up

Database Migrations

install the Migration using the sqlx-cli tool:
if not installed yet install it via console with: cargo install sqlx-cli
once installed the tables can be created with sqlx migrate run


run the cargo build and then cargo run command in your working directory. Send the following curl commands and debug / see the outcome.
It should be extendable and usable for different usecases.


The easiest way to see how the core works you can run tests and debug the code.

Run UnitTests

I try to keep the tests updated, sorry if i fail at times, haha ;)
just run cargo test.

RabbitMQ Management WebView

To see the rabbit mq management page you can open: localhost:15672 and log in with the credentials specified in the rabbitmq.conf file.

Curl Calls flow

1. Authentication:

Newly the user has to be registered first. i'll come back to that and provide a standarduser which can be used with
the existing init sql configuration. i'll add that as top priority in todo. \

1.1 Register using curl command:

curl -X POST "" --header "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"name\":\"user123\",\"email\":\"\",\"password\":\"password\"}"

1.2 Login after registering

curl -X POST "" --header "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"email\":\"\",\"password\":\"password\"}"

2. GET Request:

curl '' -H "Authorization: Bearer [AuthorizationTokenProvidedByAuthenticationCall]"
curl "" --header "Authorization: Bearer [AuthorizationTokenProvidedByAuthenticationCall]"

3. POST Request:

curl -X POST \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer [AuthenticationTokenHere'] \ -d '{"method":"method", "object":"{\"id\":\"0f083f37-0693-42b8-8a3e-6b1dfa0221ff\",\"name\":\"John Doe\",\"password\":\"password123\",\"email\":\"\",\"age\":30}","params":["1"]}' \ -vv

Basic Considerations

As usual there has to be a format defined for what to use for example on dates and here I decided to go for rfc3339
as this is a worldwide understandable format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MM)

Extending Tables and Persistence

To make the project build without a running db doing checks for syntactically and semantically valid queries for the current database
and still ensuring safe & easy querying i built a dynamic raw-query creation logic which needs table names as which to work on.
For this i created a static TABLE_NAMES variable which has to be extended as there is new Tables added.


This repository is an abstraction implemented on top of Axum with Tokio interacting with implementations of traits which seperate commands and query paths apart. It also gives the possibility to integrate with external programs via an implementation on top of RabbitMQ. Still in active development, might be broken at any time.





