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Quovo Connect SDK for iOS

Latest Release

  • support Swift 5.3 complier on Xcode 12.0 using xcframework

NOTE: This version of the Quovo Connect SDK is only compatible with Swift 5.3 compilers (Xcode 12.0).

If you are using a Swift 5.0 (Xcode 10.x) complier you must use Quovo Connect SDK [v1.1.7]( by pinning your pod to it like: `pod 'QuovoConnect', '1.1.7'`
or Carthage like:
`binary "" == 1.1.7`
If you are using a Swift 4 complier you must use Quovo Connect SDK [v1.1.4]( by pinning your pod to it like: `pod 'QuovoConnect', '1.1.4'`
or Carthage like:
`binary "" == 1.1.4`
all other release are [here](

Table Of Contents


You can install the Quovo Connect SDK either by using Cocoapods or by installing the framework manually.

Using CocoaPods (Recommended)

If needed install and setup cocoapods:

  1. Add connect-ios to your project by adding the line pod 'QuovoConnect' to your Podfile.
  2. Run pod install
  3. Open the xcworkspace

Using Carthage

If needed install and setup carthage:

  1. Add connect-ios to your project by adding the line binary "" to your Cartfile.
  2. Run carthage update
  3. If carthage was successful, you should see the framework in the folder Carthage/Build/iOS
  4. Drag the QuovoConnectSDK.xcframework into your project (Make sure "Copy Items If Needed" is selected)
  5. Highlight your project in the 'Project Navigator'.
  6. Select the 'Build Phases' tab
  7. Click the + button at the top left corner of the Build Phases window and select "New Run Script Phase"
  8. Open the new 'Run Script' expander.
  9. Enter this line into the script box:/usr/local/bin/carthage copy-frameworks
  10. Click the + button under “Input Files", and enter:

  11. Click the + button under “Output Files", and enter: $(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR)/$(FRAMEWORKS_FOLDER_PATH)/QuovoConnectSDK.xcframework
    (note: Make sure to commit your Cartfile.resolved file)
Optionally to warn about outdated dependencies
  1. Click the + button at the top left corner of the Build Phases window and select "New Run Script Phase"
  2. Open the new 'Run Script' expander.
  3. Enter this line into the script box:/usr/local/bin/carthage outdated --xcode-warnings

Manual Installation

  1. Download or clone the framework from
  2. Open your project's General settings page. Drag QuovoConnectSDK.xcframework in to the "Embedded Binaries" section. Make sure Copy items if needed is selected.
  3. Click the + button at the top left corner of the Build Phases window and select "New Run Script Phase" (note: this should be below the 'Embed Frameworks' Phase)
  4. Open the new 'Run Script' expander.
  5. Enter this line into the script box:
    /bin/sh $BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR/$FRAMEWORKS_FOLDER_PATH/QuovoConnectSDK.xcframework/
    This script is required to work around an App Store submission bug

Using the Test Project

The test project included with the SDK uses a configuration plist file to generate its user token. The file is git-ignored but should be added to your copy of the test project. The file should be named "configuration.plist" and should contain a String field named "apiToken" and a Number field name "userId".

Quovo Connect SDK

Initialize the Connect SDK

import QuovoConnectSDK
let quovoConnect = QuovoConnectSDK()

A good place to initialize the SDK is upon app launch or in the launch method of a view controller.

Optionally specify a parent ViewController for Connect

quovoConnect.parentViewController = UIApplication.shared.keyWindow!.rootViewController

This allows you to control which ViewController the QuovoSDK UI will present on

Create a Completion Handler for Connect

func complete(callback: String, response: NSDictionary) {
// ...

quovoConnect.completionHandler = complete

The completion handler will allow your app to listen for events that will be fired by the QuovoConnectSDK. The handler has 2 parameters: a "callback" method name and an optional "response" payload.

Connect v1 Callbacks

The "callback" strings supported by connect v1 are the following:

  • open
  • load
  • close
  • add
  • sync
  • onAuthenticate

In the case of "add", "sync" and "onAuthenticate" a response payload of type NSDictionary will be returned.

Connect v2 Callbacks

The "callback" strings supported by connect v2 are the following:

  • open
  • load
  • close
  • add
  • sync
  • onAuthenticate
  • onAuthAccountSelected

In the case of "add", "sync", "onAuthenticate" and onAuthAccountSelected a response payload of type NSDictionary will be returned.

Here are some examples:

"Add" event fired:

"connection": [
"id": 2135634,
"institution": 34,
"user": 1123,
"timeStamp": 1496879583157,

"Sync" event fired

"connection": [
"id": 2135634,
"institution": 34,
"user": 1123,
"sync": [
"authenticated": false,
"status": "questions",
"timeStamp": 1496879583157,

The other callbacks will yield an empty response. For more information on these events, please see:


Create an Error Handler for Connect

func error(errorType: String, errorCode: Int, errorMessage: String) {
// ...

quovoConnect.errorHandler = error

The error handler will allow your app to listen for errors that have been fired by the QuovoConnectSDK. The handler has 3 parameters: an "errorType" name, an "errorCode" identifier number and an "errorMessage" string description of the error. The "errorType" string will be one of the following:

  • general
  • http

In the case of "http" the errorCode field will be an http code, such as 404. In the case of "general" the errorCode field could be an iOS specific code such as an CFNetworkError or a Quovo specific code List of CFNetworkErrors ( The Quovo specific codes include:


Launch the Connect SDK

Launching the QuovoConnectSDK will instantiate a WebView experience that allows users to sync and manage their accounts. The minimum required parameter for launching the WebView is an Iframe Token. This token must be generated via the API and will expire after its first use.

quovoConnect.launch(token: "IFRAME TOKEN HERE")

This WebView experience can also be created as a View, which can be embedded directly into your application. Note: This view has no Layout Constraints so you will need to add your own.

let quovoView:UIView = quovoConnect.generateView(token: "IFRAME TOKEN HERE")

Close the Connect SDK

The QuovoConnectSDK can be closed statically by using the QuovoConnectSDK class. This allows the SDK to be closed from the parent ViewController as well as a push notification or other external message.


Connect Customization

Custom Connect Navbar

You also have the option to customize the navbar for the QuovoConnect WebView. The three aspects of the navbar that can be customized are the translucency, the color, and the text.

The isTranslucent parameter will take precedence over the backGroundColor parameter.

isTranslucent: true,
//The paramater isTranslucent is a boolean that can make the navigation bar  transparent.
backGroundColor: UIColor.white, 
//The backGroundColor parameter allows you to choose the color of the navbar.
customTitle: "Quovo Connect")
//The customTitle parameter allows you to choose the text displayed in the navbar. Passing an empty string will result in no text being displayed.

Custom Connect Timeout

By default the Quovo Connect WebView will timeout after 30 seconds of attempting to connect. There is an option to customize the timeout length in seconds by calling setTimeoutLength, which takes a TimeInterval parameter (aka a double). When a timeout occurs an error will be sent to the ErrorHandler and the WebView will display a simple page stating that the connection timed out. If you do not want to display the timeout page you can catch the error in the ErrorHandler and close the SDK before it appears or timeout before the SDK does.


Custom Connect Subdomain

By default the Connect SDK will connect to the original Quovo Connect, however there is a way to use Connect v2. By calliing setSubdomain (which takes a String) you can set a custom subdomain to be used when loading connect. If you want to load Connect v2, you can pass in connect2.


Alternatively, you can also set a custom subdomain from within the launch function. Simply add the subdomain parameter after the token or options.

quovoConnect.launch(token: "IFRAME TOKEN HERE",subdomain:"connect2")

Note that if you set the subdomain using both setSubdomain and launch, the launch subdomain will override the set subdomain.

Options for Connect v1

You can optionally pass in a set of parameters that control the appearance and functionality of the WebView experience. An example of this is:

options: [
"searchTest": 1,
"topInstitutions": "banks",

The following is a list of the optional parameters that can be supplied to the launch method:

Field Type Default Description
topInstitutions string 'all' Choose what type of institutions, if any, will be displayed in the Top Institutions portion of the institution select screen. Possible values are banks, brokerages, all, or none.
enableAuthDeposits integer (bit) 0 If on, the Auth Deposits workflow will be enabled within Connect. This lets end users verify their bank accounts on any institution not covered by instant account verification. Note: This workflow is not available by default. Contact us if you would like access to Auth Deposits within Connect.
searchTest integer (bit) 0 If on, Quovo test institutions will be searchable within Connect.
openInstitution integer See Preselect an Institution
openConnection integer See Update or Resolve Issues on an Existing Connection
singleSync boolean 0 If true, the back arrow on the top left will be removed and “Add Another” button will be hidden during the syncing workflow and the playback steps. This parameter is optional and will default to false.
hideTray integer (bit) 0 If on, the tray showing notifications will be hidden (Note: Only applies to Connect v2)
syncType String Choose what type of connection syncs are performed within Connect. Possible values are agg, auth, or both, which will simultaneously run an agg AND auth sync on new connections. This parameter is optional and will default to agg. More information on integrating account verification with Connect can be found here. (

Options for Connect v2

You can optionally pass in a set of parameters that control the appearance and functionality of the WebView experience. An example of this is:

options: [
"searchTest": 1,
"topInstitutions": "banks",

The following is a list of the optional parameters that can be supplied to the launch method for Connect2:

Field Type Default Description
topInstitutions string or array 'all' Choose what type of institutions, if any, will be displayed in the Top Institutions portion of the institution select screen. Possible values are banks, brokerages, all, or none.
If you'd like to customize the default institutions you can pass in an array of institution ids like: [1249,1209,2779,2782]
searchTest integer (bit) 0 If on, Quovo test institutions will be searchable within Connect.
openInstitution integer See Preselect an Institution
openConnection integer See Update or Resolve Issues on an Existing Connection
singleSync boolean 0 If true, the back arrow on the top left will be removed and “Add Another” button will be hidden during the syncing workflow and the playback steps. This parameter is optional and will default to false.
hideTray integer (bit) 0 If on, the tray showing notifications will be hidden
syncType String Choose what type of connection syncs are performed within Connect. Possible values are agg, auth, aggBoth or authBoth. This parameter is optional and will default to agg. Connect has specific screen flows that are configured for agg vs auth sync types if using aggBoth or authBoth you will need to define which is the primary workflow for your users as it will simultaneously run an agg AND auth sync on new connections. More information on integrating account verification with Connect can be found here. (
headerText string Choose the global header text. This parameter is optional and will default to Connect Accounts.
showManualAccounts integer (bit) 0 Choose whether the “Enter Manually” displays at bottom of landing page & search results. If False, this section will be hidden. This parameter is optional and will default to True.
confirmClose integer (bit) 1 Defaults to true, setting to false will hide the prompt asking the user to confirm that they’d like to close the Connect Widget will be presented when the "close" icon is clicked.

On Enter Credentials screen, there is messaging below the password field that can be configured using the fields below:

Field Type Default Description
learnMoreIsHidden integer (bit) 0 Defaults to false, setting to true will hide the "We use bank-level encryption to keep your data secure. Learn More"
learnMoreInfoMessage string Configure text for "We use bank-level encryption to keep your data secure. Learn More". This parameter is optional and will default to text above.
learnMoreText string Configure text for "Learn More". This parameter is optional and will default to text above.
learnMoreUrl string By default this is set to false and when clicking the text "Learn More", you will be re-directed to Configure by entering url into this parameter.

Preselect an Institution

You may want to direct users to add Accounts onto specific institutions. With Connect, you can preselect an institution for users and bypass the search page entirely.

Pass the desired Quovo Instition ID as the value.

HashMap<String, Object> options = new HashMap<>();
// Connect will bypass the search page and open directly to the page to
// add a "Fidelity NetBenefits" Account (which has a Brokerage ID of 23).
options.put("openInstitution", 23);

quovoConnectSdk.launch(userToken, options);

Update or Resolve Issues on an Existing Connection

You may want users to update or resolve issues on existing connections. They may need to supply additional MFA answers or update recently changed login credentials. With Connect, you can simply pass an Account ID to direct users to fix these issues, allowing their Accounts to continue syncing. Connections with a "login" status will be taken to a screen where users can update their credentials, while connections with a "questions" status will be taken to a screen where users are prompted to answer additional MFA questions.

If both openConnection and openInstitution arguments are supplied to launch, the openConnection workflow will take priority.

options: [
// Account 813981 has a status of "questions", so Connect will open to a
// page where the user can answer any outstanding MFA questions and resync
// the Account accordingly.
"openConnection": 813981,