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v4.7.3 Release

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@github-actions github-actions released this 26 Feb 19:42
· 176 commits to main since this release


  • The minimum TLS version is now 1.2.
    Previously, servers also allowed 1.1 connections.

  • Claircore is updated to v1.5.25:

    • rhcc, rhel: support compression of sideband data

      If a Clair instance is using local files for the data needed for the `rhel` and `rhcc` indexers, this data may now be compressed. This should allow for the files to fit within a Kubernetes ConfigMap, making some deployments easier to wrangle.
    • datastore: add "delta" update interface

      This change should allow for updaters to use fewer resources and consume API-based data sources in the future. As of this change, no in-tree updaters have been converted to this interface.
    • java: size buffers correctly before use

      This should reduce memory consumption for indexing layers that have deeply nested Java archives.
    • postgres: remove internal timeouts

      Database queries now take as long as needed to execute. This shouldn't negatively affect any working uses, and should make some slower or less-optimized queries possible on larger instances.
    • integration: make PGVERSION a pattern

      The behavior of the setup of an embedded PostgreSQL in integration tests has changed. The relevant environment variable (`PGVERSION`) is now a pattern instead of a literal version string. Note that a version string would be a patten that matches itself, so that format continues to work.

      Additionally, the version used is now read from the distributed
      manifest, rather than hard-coded versions. Other than occasional network
      calls to fetch this manifest, users shouldn't notice any difference.

    • alpine: add edge support

      Alpine's `edge` version should now be supported for reporting.
    • rpm: support PGP V4 signatures

      Rpm has apparently started using "current"/V4 PGP signatures, which claircore was not handling. This adds support for these signatures.
    • jsonblob: add a disk buffering step

      This improves "offline" operation by eagerly buffering output to disk instead of creating a large in-memory data structure first.

      This makes the API trickier but given that there's a single (known and
      intended) user, this should be fine.

    • tarfs: check a potential interger overflow

      This change fixes a potential integer overflow in tar handling code.

      The possibility of exploiting this is effectively 0, as it would require
      more bytes to represent a sufficiently large integer than is available
      in the tar header.

      See also:

    • gobin: take into account package replacements

      Previously, there was a bug where package replacements were not considered for go binaries.
    • all: purge http.DefaultClient usage

      Some packages with less churn (`photon`, `oracle`, `aws`) were using older ways of getting an `*http.Client` or using `http.DefaultClient`.

      This change breaks some API in exchange for unifying the *http.Client
      handling. The practical upshot is that it's much easier to control the
      network contact surface.

    • all: share single FS implementation

      Claircore components that deal with `Layer` objects now share a single backing File and a single `fs.FS` implementation when using the `FS` method. There should be no noticeable changes for users, but out-of-tree implementations may want to move over to using the new FS method.

      This change should improve memory usage.

    • libindex: move to O_TMPFILE fetcher

      This release uses a new fetcher (the component responsible for pulling layers locally) that makes use of the O_TMPFILE flag to open(2). This ensures that layer files will be cleaned up even in the event of an unclean shutdown, including being sent a KILL signal.

v4.7.3 - 2024-02-26


  • 9517c7be: add a check for compatible migration version
    See Also: #1915



  • 6ba32131: update minimum TLS version for server
    See Also: #1945