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qrafty edited this page Mar 10, 2024 · 2 revisions



You are most likely here because you selected in the script that you need help with creating a datapack. And thats fine! 🫐 Let me guide you through all the required steps!

Restart the script after you opened this wiki!

The script has to run in the same folder as your generated nbt file is!

image Type in the name of the file of your generated structure (without the .nbt file ending) Dont know how to get the .nbt? Watch my german YouTube video! 😊 qrafty on YouTube

image Feel free to put anything in, as long as it is without a space. If you want to combine multiple generated dtapacks afterwards, it could be useful to have the same namespace in every pack then.

image Just put in a name for your pack, you can easily change it afterwards just by renaming the folder! 🔦

image Same for that: Put in anything you want! It is the description of your pack, as seen in the packs list or when running /datapack list

image This is for the pack version. It specifies for which Minecraft version the pack is made for. Dont know the current pack version? Look here!

image This lets you choose the biome the structure should spawn in. As of now, only one entry is possible. Get the exact name of the biome (with underscores), e.g. by going ingame and running /locate biome minecraft:swamp. You just have to type the thing without minecraft:, it will be added automatically! 😍

image Oooo, spacing! Specifies basically how rare the structure is. If the number is greater, less structures will spawn. I recommend a number between 10 and 30

image Ahh, basically the same as spacing, but different. Just take your spacing number and divide 5 from it. Never let it be greater that the spacing number, otherwise the pack will break! 💀


You did it! Im proud of you 🥰

I sincerly apologize for the broken english and the cringiness of this text, im bored and a german potato. 🥔

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