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Welcome to qBITS, BITS Goa's quantum tech club. We are a bunch of quantum enthusiasts looking to build a community on campus.

Quantum computing can sound very dominating, futuristic, and physics-y. It's not! QC is happening right now, and you don't need to know quantum mechanics to do it. It is a vastly interdisciplinary field, and you can find applications in CS, physics, math, chemistry and even biology. qBITS will give you a platform to explore, with support from people who are finding their place in the field as well.

This GitHub organisation will host the different projects taken up by the club members as part of the five verticals.

Here's a description of the activities we conduct-

  • Open source contributions - This team will actively contribute to the open source projects that maintain and expand the vast libraries of QC software - languages, libraries, and applications.
  • Hackathons - We will prepare a team that participates in the numerous QC hackathons that happen year-round. The people involved in this vertical will prepare for these hackathons and codeathons, as well as host some.
  • Lectures - Weekly/Fortnightly paper presentations or guest lectures by members of the club, or faculty. A forum for insightful discussions and cutting edge research.
  • Projects - Designing and developing quantum computing related projects, such as quantum games, or quantum software implementing a paper.
  • Documentation - As a learning exercise, the very beginners in the field will work on preparing a repository with basic quantum computing concepts and code, such as algorithms and protocols.

Popular repositories

  1. Quest-Qiskit-Fall-Fest Quest-Qiskit-Fall-Fest Public

    1 1

  2. Quest-2023 Quest-2023 Public

    This is the official repository of "Quest- Qiskit Fall Fest 2023"


  3. .github .github Public

  4. qiskit-terra qiskit-terra Public

    Forked from Qiskit/qiskit

    Qiskit is an open-source SDK for working with quantum computers at the level of extended quantum circuits, operators, and algorithms.



Showing 4 of 4 repositories

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