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create type hint stub files for module torch (#16089)
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* create type hint stub files for module torch

This is more a basis for discussion that a ready solution,
as it does lots of funny things, and for many of them
a better solution will be found.

- Initial stab at creating a type torch/__init__.pyi .
- We only do this for Python 3 because we want to
  use type hint introspection.
- So far, we only aim at doing this for torch functions
  and torch.Tensor.
- We need to import the newly build torch. Thus we
  do this at the end of the build.
  We use os.fork to only import the module in a child
- We use an annotate decorator to be able to put
  type hints on the native python functions in a way that
  a) they're available in the usual place for Python 3
  b) we stay Python 2 compatible
- Some annotatons in torch/ are provided
  as examples, but the remaining ones still need to be done.

This could end up fixing #7318

This was backported from #12500 but with tests removed and
the stub file checked in directly, so we don't have to also
make sure all build shenanigans work.  Master will be properly
tested.  The stub file was generated by running
'python create_pyi' and then copying the generated
pyi file in the build directory (find -name *.pyi) to torch/

* Ignore pyi in flake8

Signed-off-by: Edward Z. Yang <>

* Real fix for lint error

Signed-off-by: Edward Z. Yang <>
  • Loading branch information
ezyang authored and soumith committed Jan 24, 2019
1 parent 91266c6 commit 6dd31de
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Showing 5 changed files with 1,768 additions and 0 deletions.
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions
Expand Up @@ -552,6 +552,16 @@ def get_outputs(self):
return outputs

# this is a subclass of build just to get access to self.build_lib
# as there does not seem to be an utility function getting this
class create_pyi(
def run(self):
print("-- Building .pyi --")
if sys.version_info[0] == 3:
from tools.pyi.gen_pyi import gen_pyi

class build(
sub_commands = [
('build_deps', lambda self: True),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -806,6 +816,7 @@ def make_relative_rpath(path):

cmdclass = {
'create_version_file': create_version_file,
'create_pyi': create_pyi,
'build': build,
'build_py': build_py,
'build_ext': build_ext,
Expand Down
236 changes: 236 additions & 0 deletions tools/pyi/
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
from __future__ import print_function

import os
import sys
import inspect

needed_modules = set()

def type_to_python(typename):
typename = {'int64_t': 'int',
'Scalar': 'float',
'ScalarType': 'dtype',
'Device': 'Union[device, str, None]',
'IntList': 'Tuple[int, ...]',
'Tensor?': 'Optional[Tensor]',
'Tensor': 'Tensor',
'bool': 'bool',
'double': 'float',
'Generator *': 'Generator',
'Generator*': 'Generator',
'std::vector<Tensor>': 'Tuple[Tensor, ...]',
'TensorList': 'Tuple[Tensor, ...]',
'Storage': 'Storage', # inaccurate (FloatStorage...)
'SparseTensorRef': 'Tensor',
'void': 'None',
'Layout': 'layout',
'void*': 'int', # dataptr
'std::string': 'str',
'real': 'float',
'accreal': 'float',
'Union[int, Tuple[int, ...]]': 'Union[int, Tuple[int, ...]]',
'IntegerTensor': 'Tensor',
'BoolTensor': 'Tensor',
'IndexTensor': 'Tensor',
return typename

def arg_to_type_hint(arg):
name = arg['name']
if name == 'from': # keyword...
name += '_'
typename = type_to_python(arg['dynamic_type'])
if arg.get('is_nullable'):
typename = 'Optional[' + typename + ']'
if 'default' in arg:
default = '=' + str(arg['default'])
default = ''
return name + ': ' + typename + default

def generate_type_hints(fname, decls, is_tensor=False):
type_hints = []
dnames = ([d['name'] for d in decls])
has_out = fname + '_out' in dnames
if has_out:
decls = [d for d in decls if d['name'] != fname + '_out']
for decl in decls:
skip = 'Type' in [a['dynamic_type'] for a in decl['arguments']]
if not skip:
has_tensor_options = 'TensorOptions' in [a['dynamic_type'] for a in decl['arguments']]
python_args = [arg_to_type_hint(a) for a in decl['arguments'] if a['dynamic_type'] != 'TensorOptions']
if is_tensor:
if 'self: Tensor' in python_args:
python_args.remove('self: Tensor')
python_args = ['self'] + python_args
elif 'self: float' in python_args:
python_args.remove('self: float')
python_args = ['self'] + python_args
raise Exception("method without self is unexpected")
if has_out:
python_args += ['*', 'out: Optional[Tensor]=None']
if has_tensor_options:
if '*' not in python_args:
python_args += ["dtype: dtype=None",
"layout: layout=torch.strided",
"device: device=None",
python_args_s = ', '.join(python_args)
python_returns = [type_to_python(r['dynamic_type']) for r in decl['returns']]
if len(python_returns) > 1:
python_returns_s = 'Tuple[' + ', '.join(python_returns) + ']'
python_returns_s = python_returns[0]
type_hint = "def {}({}) -> {}: ...".format(fname, python_args_s, python_returns_s)
numargs = len(decl['arguments'])
have_vararg_version = (numargs > 0 and decl['arguments'][0]['dynamic_type'] in {'IntList', 'TensorList'} and
(numargs == 1 or python_args[1] == '*'))
if len(decls) > 1 or have_vararg_version:
type_hint = "@overload\n" + type_hint
if have_vararg_version:
typelist = decl['arguments'][0]['dynamic_type']
if typelist == 'IntList':
vararg_type = 'int'
vararg_type = 'Tensor'
# replace first argument and eliminate '*' if present
python_args = ['*' + decl['arguments'][0]['name'] + ': ' + vararg_type] + python_args[2:]
python_args_s = ', '.join(python_args)
type_hint = "@overload\ndef {}({}) -> {}: ...".format(fname, python_args_s, python_returns_s)
return type_hints

def parameters_from_signature(sig):
# adapted from standard library inspect
result = []
render_pos_only_separator = False
render_kw_only_separator = True
for param in sig.parameters.values():
kind = param.kind
formatted = param._name

if param._annotation is not inspect._empty:
formatted = '{}:{}'.format(formatted, inspect.formatannotation(param._annotation))

if param._default is not inspect._empty:
if type(param._default).__name__ == 'module': # better way?
default_repr = param._default.__name__
default_repr = repr(param._default)
formatted = '{}={}'.format(formatted, default_repr)

if kind == inspect._VAR_POSITIONAL:
formatted = '*' + formatted
elif kind == inspect._VAR_KEYWORD:
formatted = '**' + formatted

if kind == inspect._POSITIONAL_ONLY:
render_pos_only_separator = True
elif render_pos_only_separator:
render_pos_only_separator = False

if kind == inspect._VAR_POSITIONAL:
render_kw_only_separator = False
elif kind == inspect._KEYWORD_ONLY and render_kw_only_separator:
render_kw_only_separator = False

formatted = formatted.replace('torch.Tensor', 'Tensor')

if render_pos_only_separator:
return result

def type_hint_from_python_fn(fname, fn):
sig = inspect.signature(fn)
python_parameters = parameters_from_signature(sig)

return_annotation = None
if sig.return_annotation is not inspect._empty:
return_annotation = inspect.formatannotation(sig.return_annotation)
return_annotation = return_annotation.replace('torch.Tensor', 'Tensor')

python_parameters = ', '.join(python_parameters)
if return_annotation:
return ["def {}({}) -> {}: ...".format(fname, python_parameters, return_annotation)]
return ["def {}({}): ...".format(fname, python_parameters, return_annotation)]

def do_gen_py(build_lib_path):
import torch
import yaml
import inspect
import types
import re
import collections

fns = collections.defaultdict(list)
yaml_loader = getattr(yaml, 'CLoader', yaml.loader)

for d in yaml.load(open('torch/share/ATen/Declarations.yaml'),

name = d['name']
if name.endswith('_out'):
name = name[:-4]
if not name.startswith('_'):

type_hints = []
for fname in dir(torch):
fn = getattr(torch, fname)
docstr = inspect.getdoc(fn)
if docstr:
if isinstance(fn, types.BuiltinFunctionType):
if fname in fns:
type_hints += generate_type_hints(fname, fns[fname])
pass # todo
elif isinstance(fn, types.FunctionType):
type_hints += type_hint_from_python_fn(fname, fn)
type_hints_s = '\n\n'.join(type_hints) + '\n'

tensor_type_hints = []
for fname in dir(torch.Tensor):
fn = getattr(torch.Tensor, fname)
docstr = inspect.getdoc(fn)
if docstr and not fname.startswith('_'):
if getattr(fn, '__qualname__', '').startswith('_TensorBase.'): # better check?
if fname in fns:
tensor_type_hints += generate_type_hints(fname, fns[fname], is_tensor=True)
pass # these require magic... print (fname)
elif isinstance(fn, types.FunctionType): # python defined
tensor_type_hints += type_hint_from_python_fn(fname, fn)
tensor_type_hints_s = """class Tensor:\n""" + '\n\n'.join(
[' ' + re.sub(r"\bTensor\b", "'Tensor'", s.replace('\n', '\n' + ' '))
for s in tensor_type_hints]) + '\n\n'

header = """
from typing import Tuple, Optional, Union
header += '\n'.join(["import " + m for m in needed_modules])
with open(os.path.join(build_lib_path, 'torch', '__init__.pyi'), 'w') as f:
print(header, file=f)
print(tensor_type_hints_s, file=f)
print(type_hints_s, file=f)

def gen_pyi(build_lib_path):
# we import torch, better do that in a subprocess
if os.fork() == 0:

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