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pyscripter edited this page Jun 1, 2023 · 5 revisions


PyScripter uses gettext for localizing the user interface. This means you can create a translation for a new language locally without having to recompile the application. But you can also get involved in the regular translation process and improve existing translations

Creating a new language locally

The files that contain the strings to be translated are located in the directory:

C:\Program Files\PyScripter\locale assuming that PyScripter is located at C:\Program Files\PyScripter. There are two files of interest to translators in that directory:

  • default.pot
  • languages.pot

The first contains the strings of PyScripter and the second the localized names of different languages. To create a translation for a new language:

  1. Create a new directory C:\Program Files\PyScripter\locale##\LC_MESSAGES\

In this path, ## represents the two-letter ISO 639-1 language code.

  1. Copy the two po files in that directory
  2. Translate the two files using a gettext editor. Poedit or Virtaal are two nice editors for .po files.
  3. Compile the po files to mo files (Poedit and Virtaal can do that) and you are set. Use the View Menu to change the language and test your translation.
  4. Please submit your translation files to for inclusion in the next PyScripter distribution.

Tip: Use the translation memory of Poedit to speed up the translation process.

Get involved in the regular translation process

In January 2018 we decided to use the web based translation platform as our preferred way to work on translations. So if you want to help us, please head over to PyScripter at Transifex, register an account and join one of our language teams.

You can also request a new language for PyScripter via Transifex, but please do this only if you are ready to complete it and maintain it for a while. A 5% finished translation is of no use to anybody.

Working with transifex still allows you to work offline with poEdit or Virtaal. Once you are member of a translation team, you can download and upload the translation files to your computer.