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Verilator TravisCI Cache

We need to use Verilator for PyMTL testing on TravisCI. We cannot use the default Ubuntu package for Verilator since the version available on TravisCI is way too old. However, building Verilator from scratch on every TravisCI run can take a significant amount of time. So this repo contains pre-build binaries for Verilator that we can simply download and use on TravisCI.

We need to make sure these binaries are built appropriately for use on TravisCI. The easiest way to do this is to launch an appropriate Amazon EC2 instance with the same Linux distribution that is being used on TravisCI. You can find out which version of Linux is being used on TravisCI by looking at the job log and expanding the "Build system information" section. For example:

Operating System Details
Distributor ID:  Ubuntu
Description:     Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS
Release:         14.04
Codename:        trusty

Launch an Amazon EC2 instance for "Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS (HVM)", then log into this instances and build Verilator:

% sudo apt-get update
% sudo apt-get install git make autoconf g++ flex bison
% wget
% tar -xzvf verilator-4.008.tgz
% cd verilator-4.008
% ./configure --prefix=${HOME}/verilator
% make
% make test
% make install
% export VERILATOR_ROOT=${HOME}/verilator
% cd ${HOME}
% which verilator
% verilator --version

Delete the debug binaries which are quite large, and then create a tarball with the pre-built installation.

% cd $HOME/verilator/bin
% rm -rf *_dbg
% cd $HOME
% tar -czvf verilator-travis-4.008.tar.gz verilator

Upload this tarball to this repo.

% git config --global "email"
% git config --global  "username"
% git clone
% mv $HOME/verilator-travis-4.008.tar.gz verilator-travisci-cache
% cd verilator-travisci-cache
... edit .travis.yml to build new version ...
% git add verilator-travis-4.008.tar.gz
% git commit -a -m "add verilator-travis-4.008.tar.gz"
% git push

Verify that everything is working by looking at the TravisCI log for this repo. Then update your PyMTL repo to download this new version and verify all of the PyMTL tests are still passing. Here is a minimal .travis.yml file for a PyMTL project (you would need to add your own script section).

language: python
 - "2.7"


 # Install verilator

 - wget
 - tar -C ${HOME} -xzf verilator-travis-4.008.tar.gz
 - export VERILATOR_ROOT=${HOME}/verilator
 - export PATH=${VERILATOR_ROOT}/bin:${PATH}
 - export PYMTL_VERILATOR_INCLUDE_DIR=${VERILATOR_ROOT}/share/verilator/include
 - verilator --version

 # Install PyMTL

 - pip -q install git+
 - pip install --upgrade pytest
 - pip list


Pre-built verilator binaries for PyMTL's TravisCI tests






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