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A Template for Master Thesis


  • Build tex source without LaTeX setup
    • Use Docker instead
  • Automated build on cloud
    • GitHub Actions
    • BitBucket Pipelines


  • macOS 10.14 or later
  • Docker Desktop for Mac 2.1 or later

or use Linux.

  • Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
  • Docker 18.06 ot later

This repository will use TeX Live 2019 on Ubuntu 19.10.


The default operation is to use a Docker container. If you want to operate it natively instead of Docker, set the environment variable USE_DOCKER=no.The default is USE_DOCKER=yes.

Build with Docker environment.

$ make pdf

Build with your own LaTeX environment.

$ make pdf

Watch the tex source and build continuously.

$ make watch

After deleting all artifacts from the previous compilation, run the compilation.

$ make all

Delete all artifacts.

$ make clean

Create a new branch from the current branch, do an empty commit, and push to the remote. After that, use the hub command to display the pull request creation page in a your browser. You can specify the branch name at runtime. If not specified, the default value WIP will be used.

$ make draft branch=NAME

If you want to use custom .latexmkrc, please add it into this repository. Use the following command to copy the .latexmkrc used in the container directly under this directory.

$ make latexmkrc

Runs a lint locally. You will need to install Nodejs and run npm install beforehand.

$ make lint

Fixed the ones that violated lint and can be applied automatically. You will need to install Nodejs and run npm install beforehand.

$ make fix

Automated build

GitHub Actions and BitBucket Pipelines will start when you push your changes to master branch.
It build PDF automatically, and you can download the latest artifact.

If you want to leave older version, please use tag.

$ git tag -a v1.0.0 -m "Some messages"
$ git push --tags

The archives will be available on GitHub Releases or BitBucket Download.

BitBucket Pipelines

Setup your credential for Pipeline is needed. Please follow this guide to deploy the artifacts.


Automated build on cloud consume some resources. The resources is limited for private repository.

  • GitHub Actions
    • Free: 2000 minutes / month
    • Pro (Academic): 3000 minutes / month
  • BitBucket Pipelines
    • Free: 50 minutes / month
    • Academic: 500 minutes / month

If you do not want to use them, please disable them from their settings.


Shoma Kokuryo


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