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AniList readme workflow

Simple workflow that will add your latest activity into your readme!

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This was made by a person who primarily uses TypeScript and doesn't know how to use Python.

How to

Simply add this to your

# 🌸 My recent AniList activity

<!-- ANILIST_ACTIVITY:start -->


and setup the workflow file at .github/workflows/anilist.yml like this:

name: AniList readme workflow
    # Runs every hour
    - cron: "0 * * * *"
  workflow_dispatch: # for manual debuging

    name: Update this repo's README with latest AniList activites
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - name: AniList readme workflow
        uses: pxseu/anilist-readme@senpai # latest version
          user_id: YOUR_USER_ID # or
          user_name: YOUR_USER_NAME


Option Description Default Required
user_id Your AniList user id "" True
user_name Your AniList username "" True
max_post_count A number from 1 to 50 limiting the ammount of posts "5" False
preferred_language The language of the list content (e.g. Romaji, English, Native) "english" False
timezone Timezone of the list content (e.g. Europe/Berlin) "UTC" False
date_format Date format of the list content (e.g. {D}/{M or MW}/{Y} {h}:{m}) "{h}:{m} {D} {MW} {Y}" False
readme_path Path to the readme file to edit "./" False
gh_token Authorized github token ${{ github.token }} False
commit_message A message to use when commiting "Update AniList activity in" False
commit_username The username for the commiter "GitHub Action" False
commit_email The email for the commiter "" False

Note: Eiter user_id or user_name is required!
I recommend you leave the default commit_username and commit_email
For date_format months: {M} will result in a number (e.g '3') & {MW} will result in a string (e.g 'March')
If you're unsure what's your User ID on AniList follow the quide below

How to get my user ID

If you change your username frequently or you're unsure what your user id is, you can use the AniList API to get it. Head on over to and input the query below and replace YOUR_USERNAME with your username.

query {
  User(name: "YOUR_USERNAME") {

The query above will return your username and your id which you can use for this action.


You can find it on my profile!